Important Tips On How To Maintain Your Cardiovascular Health


Heart disease is one of the most common health hazards, which is a leading cause for death, but it certainly does not mean you cannot do anything about it.

Important Tips On How To Maintain Your Cardiovascular Health


  • Heart disease is one of the most common health hazards
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy foods
  • It is imperative to keep yourself physically active
Heart disease is one of the most common health hazards, which is a leading cause for death, but it certainly does not mean you cannot do anything about it. Although you may lack the power to change some risk factors, for instance family history, age and sex, there are some key heart disease prevention steps that you should take to reduce the risk. One of the best ways to keep your cardiovascular health strong is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy foods that will keep your heart strong. Here are some of the ways you can choose to follow to maintain a healthy body.
1. Exercise for at least 30 minutesConsidering we all have a sedentary lifestyle, it is imperative to keep yourself physically active. Take out at least 30 minutes to maintain a healthy weight and reduce your chances of developing other conditions that may put a strain on your heart, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. A moderate brisk walk, jogging or just choosing stairs over lifts, will help you attain healthy heart.2. Limit your tobacco consumptionIf you are a smoker or even a passive smoker or indulge in tobacco, there is a higher chance of developing cardiovascular diseases. Chemicals in tobacco can damage your heart and blood vessels, leading to narrowing of arteries due to plaque buildup. Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke can easily replace some of the oxygen in your blood.
3. Load up on nutrientsImportant nutrients help keep you safe from developing cardiovascular diseases, hence add the following nutrients in your daily diet to keep healthy-Fiber- Fiber has two types- soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is found abundantly in oats, barley, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, et al. Soluble fiber binds to cholesterol and sugars preventing their absorption from the digestive tract. Insoluble fiber is found in whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables. It is called roughage, adding bulk to the body waste.Omega-3 fatty acids- Omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation, prevent blood clotting, lower LDL cholesterol and have a positive effect on the heart's rhythm. Include flaxseeds, walnuts, vegetable oils and leafy vegetables in your diet.
Folate- Folate or folic acid lowers the risk of heart stroke and reduces artery wall thickening. Include more Amaranth, spinach, mint, Bengal gram, green gram and others in your daily diet.Lycopene- Lycopene is an antioxidant that provides tomatoes its red colour. Lycopene is known for lowering blood pressure and C reactive protein- a marker for cardiac inflammation.These tips will not only help you maintain cardiovascular health but also promote overall healthy body. 
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