Interesting Hacks To Make Your Food Taste Better!


When it comes to food, there are few factors that can trick our brain and can influence our likes and dislikes to a great extent. Restaurants make use of such tactics in a very efficient way

Interesting Hacks To Make Your Food Taste Better!


  • It's those little things in life that sometimes do the magic
  • Tweaking little things here and there can bring you the results
  • Environment can play a major role in determining how we perceive taste
It's those little things in life that sometimes do the magic. Well, when it comes to food, this thing surely does apply. Ever wondered why a pretty-looking and appetising dish makes you feel all the way more hungry than you actually are? It has science attached to it. You don't need fancy ingredients to give that extra flavour to your food. Tweaking little things here and there can bring you the results. When it comes to food, there are few factors that can trick our brain and can influence our likes and dislikes to a great extent. Restaurants make use of such tactics in a very efficient way. So if you have picky eaters at home who have mastered the art of saying 'no' to healthy vegetables, then bring these easy hacks to your rescue.Look Out For Where You Eat
The environment can play a major role in determining how we perceive the taste of the food. According to a research by Charles Spencer, "the environment alters the impact on how we perceive the taste of the food." For instance, when you eat a fancy dessert in a dark and clumsy room, the food won't be appealing but if something is served in a nicely lit restaurant, then even the tasteless water seems to have its own taste.
The environment can play a major role in determining how we perceive the taste of the food​Presentation Of The FoodAnother study by Charles Spencer shows that even presentation of the food has a lot to do with the taste of what we are eating or seeing. An instance for this is how even the basic foods in all those fancy restaurants look more appealing and tasteful, all solely due to how we perceive it through looks. Some fundamental details like serving thinly sliced cucumber on the salad can make the food more delectable. Using lighter colour plates for desserts makes the diner psychologically perceive that the dish is sweeter. Cookbooks make use of this hack very efficiently by presenting food pictures that look more appetising.
Geometry Has A Key RoleIt's a known fact that our eyes perceives shapes first, and then the colours and everything else. The same thing has an impact on food too! Unconsciously, any relation to sharp will result in 'sharp' taste. Like a dessert served in a sharped edged plate is going to have a much sweeter impact than that served in the round one. Or, eating cheese somehow seems distinctive off a knife than with a spoon. This may be psychological but if it helps, why question it?
It's a known fact that our eyes perceives shapes first, and then the colours and everything elseTemperature Is Important
According to a study by the Yale University of Medicine, a warm temperature of food is linked with sweeter taste, whereas, lower temperature is linked with sour and tangy flavours. The science behind this is that when the tongue gets in contact with heat, there is a transmission of strong signals to the brain from the sweet-detecting taste buds.Now that we've shared with you some easy yet handy hacks, go ahead and make those usual and boring dishes exciting and tastier.
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