Quick Tip: Don't Throw Away Spring Onion Roots!

Quick Tip: Don't Throw Away Spring Onion Roots!
Spring onions, also known as scallions, green onions, salad onions or green shallots can be regrown easily in your kitchen!
Here's a super easy tip. Don't throw away the roots, regrow spring onions in shot glasses in your kitchen. It only takes five days. The first re-grow will be slightly milder in taste. The second regrow will be very mild and so on.Usually, it's best to regrow it once and maximum two times.
Save about 1" of your spring onion bottoms.
Day 1
Place in a shot glass with some water. Place in a window. Change the water every day.Day 2Day 3Day 4
Day 5
All new spring onions!Source/Originally posted by KnivesAndShallots
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