Homemade Soy Sauce Recipe

How to Make Homemade Soy Sauce

Homemade Soy Sauce Recipe: Experience the joy of flavouring your food with homemade soy sauce. While it may take a long time to make it, you get to enjoy the sauce for an even longer time.

  • Total Cook Time 15 mins
  • Prep Time 05 mins
  • Cook Time 10 mins
  • Easy

Ingredients of Homemade Soy Sauce

  • 2 Cups soybeans
  • 2 cups wheat flour
  • 5 cups water
  • 1 cup sea salt

How to Make Homemade Soy Sauce

Steam the soybeans until they're soft. Once cooled, mix the beans with the wheat flour to form a dough. Shape this mixture into small cakes and let them ferment for 2 days in a warm, humid environment.
Mix the cakes with water to create a mash. Allow this mixture to ferment for a week.
Strain the mash through cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer, collecting the liquid. Heat the liquid, dissolving sea salt to create a brine. Let this brine cool before returning it to the mash. Allow this mix to age for around 6 months.
Strain the final mixture once more, removing any solids. Bottle it up, and let it age for a few more months before enjoying it.
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