Poached Lahori Fish with Sun Blushed Red Chillies and Imli Pesto Recipe


Surmai fillets pickled in a poaching liquid, served with filled red chillies dried in the oven, garnished with an imli pesto.

  • Total Cook Time1 hr 10 mins
  • Prep Time 10 mins
  • Cook Time1 hr
  • Medium

Ingredients of Poached Lahori Fish with Sun Blushed Red Chillies and Imli Pesto

  • 2 surmai fillets (600g)
  • 3 tsp turmeric powder
  • 3 tsp red chilli powder
  • 3 tsp red chilli flakes
  • 2 tsp coriander seeds
  • 2 tsp cumin seeds
  • Salt to taste
  • 3 cups vinegar
  • 3 Tbsp jaggery (gur)
  • 1 pod garlic
  • 1 cup tamarind water (imli pani)
  • 2 bunches fresh coriander
  • 3 lemons
  • 2 oranges
  • 4 Tbsp olive oil
  • 6 tsp pomegranate seeds
  • 1 tsp amchoor powder
  • 2 slices white bread
  • 12 long fresh red chillies
  • 1/2 cup oil

How to Make Poached Lahori Fish with Sun Blushed Red Chillies and Imli Pesto

Cut the fish fillets into smaller pieces. Then coat the fish pieces with a spice mix using turmeric powder, red chilli powder, red chilli flakes, coriander seeds, cumin seeds and salt.
Make a poaching liquid using vinegar, gur and spices. Poach the fish in the liquid.
Blanch garlic in boiling water.
In a mortar and pestle, prep the imli pesto, using blanched garlic, imli water, salt, fresh coriander, lemon/citrus juice and a little olive oil.
Make a chutney mix of pomegranate seeds, amchoor, bread and fill the whole red chillies.Salt the red chillies and drizzle little oil on them. Steam these in the oven till tender.
Layer and serve with the pesto.
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