5 Reasons Why You Should Sip On Tulsi Tea (Holy Basil) Everyday


Tulsi in all forms- dried, fresh and powdered has several healing properties. Chewing on a few tulsi leaves regularly can be super beneficial for you, but did you know sipping on tulsi tea can be even better?

5 Reasons Why You Should Sip On Tulsi Tea (Holy Basil) Everyday
Also known as the 'queen of herbs', holy basil or tulsi makes for the most sacred herb in India. It is widely used in culinary practices. For ages, it has been known for its medicinal uses in Ayurveda that makes it an effective remedy for several ailments. According to the book Healing Foods by DK Publishing, holy basil contains a range of natural antioxidants that can help protect the body tissues against free-radical damage. Tulsi in all forms- dried, fresh and powdered has several healing properties. Chewing on a few tulsi leaves regularly can be super beneficial for you, but did you know sipping on tulsi tea can be even better?
Here are some reasons why you should definitely skip sipping on your regular tea and instead opt for tulsi tea:1. Prevents Respiratory DisordersTulsi tea helps prevent certain respiratory illnesses ranging from cold and cough to bronchitis and asthma. It has immunomodulatory (helps to enhance immunity), antitussive (helps relieving cough) and expectorant (helps in expelling out the phlegm) properties that provide relief in the respiratory system. It has certain oils that help relieve congestion too.(Also read: Why Are We Often Told Not To Chew On Tulsi Leaves

Tulsi tea helps prevent certain respiratory illnesses ranging from cold and cough to bronchitis and asthma​

2. Beats StressAccording to quite some studies, tulsi tea helps in maintaining normal levels of cortisol hormone in the body that is known as the stress hormone. It lowers the levels of cortisol, leaving you stress-free. In fact, it is known to subside various symptoms of depression, which may include anxiety.3. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels
Move over the regular milk tea and opt for this one as it helps lower the blood sugar levels significantly. Daily intake of tulsi tea may also help facilitate metabolism of carbs and fats, further ensuring that the sugar in the blood is utilized for energy.
Move over the regular milk tea and opt for this one as it helps lower the blood sugar levels ​4. Maintains Dental and Oral healthThe presence of anti-microbial properties in tulsi tea help combat against harmful bacteria and germs in the mouth. Acting as a mouth freshener, it may curb bad breath too.
5. May Prove To Be Great For Patients With ArthritisAccording to the book Healing Foods, Eugenol, a constituent of the oil in the basil has an anti-inflammatory effect on joints and the digestive tract.
A constituent of the oil in the basil has an anti-inflammatory effect on joints​

How to make the perfect tulsi tea (Tulsi tea recipe)?

Tulsi tea is simple to make; all you need to do is to take a cup of water in a pan and add 2-3 basil leaves in it and bring it a boil. Let the water absorb its colour and flavour. After about three minutes, strain the tea in a glass. You can drink this tea as it is or add a teaspoon of honey and a half teaspoon of lemon juice in it for extra flavour and benefits. In fact, you can also add cardamom and ginger while preparing the tea.
So, go ahead and make some amazing tulsi tea for yourself and ensure a healthy and fit self!
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