Seeds have become the new superfoods; they not only possess essential nutrients but help lose weight efficiently. Amongst the many seeds, ranging from chia seeds to flax seeds and pumpkin seeds, sabja or basil seeds have gained a reputation of a weight loss-friendly food for helping you shed off those kilos. Also known as tukmaria, sweet basil seeds and tulsi seeds, these seeds help reduce body heat, control blood sugar levels, relieve constipation and bloating, and treat acidity and heartburn. And, that's not it, sabja seeds are known to be great for your skin and hair. They are rich in antioxidants and have immunity-boosting properties.
The common black-coloured sabza seeds come from sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum. This is a plant that is often used for seasoning of dishes. They have long been used in ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese medicinal practices because of their immense healing powers.
Nowadays, they are being hailed for their weight loss properties; thanks to a lot of fibre content present in them. Let's see what makes sabja seeds good for weight loss and learn how to use them to get rid of the extra fat.
Basil Seeds For Weight Loss: How Do Sabja Seeds Help In Losing Weight?
Sabja seeds, or basil seeds, are full of fibre content, which keeps your stomach fuller for longer time (reduces your appetite), further prevent overeating and unnecessary cravings. They are also a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that comes from high levels of omega-3 fatty acids present in the seeds. These acids help in stimulating the fat burning metabolism in the body. In fact, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, daily consumption of linolenic acid results in fat loss. Besides this, basil seeds are low in calories and high in nutrients. A teaspoon of sabja seeds would not pack up more than two to four calories and will ensure that your body is loaded with vitamins and minerals - including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron along with vitamins A, B-complex, E and K - all of which are essential for weight management.
Other than weight loss, there many other health benefits that sabza seeds or basil seeds can provide –
Sabza seeds are known to sooth digestion and relieve stomach issue like constipation.
They can also help improve sore and clogged throats by reducing inflammation.
Sabza seeds are said to be generally good for respiratory system.
These seeds can also help in calming down senses and uplifting moods. Consuming foods and drinks containing sabza seeds may keep issues like depression and anxiety away.
Since, the seeds are rich in minerals like calcium and magnesium, they may help in building bones and muscle health. Many people don't get enough calcium from their daily diet, consuming sabza seeds on the side may help them get their calcium fix.
Due to their apt nutritional composition including high fibre content, they are considered for regulating high blood sugar, thus can be included in diabetes diet.
The presence of pectin in basil seeds may greatly help in controlling blood cholesterol levels, thereby avoiding various heart related health problems. Also due to a good amount of Omega-3 fats present in sabza seeds, they are considered a heart-healthy food.
(Also Read: 7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Sabja Seeds)

Sabja seeds, or basil seeds, are full of fibre content
How To Use Sabja Seeds For Weight Loss?
Sabja seeds for weight loss and belly fat: Sabja seeds are most effective when soaked in water and consumed. Since they are hard to chew, adding them into water will make them translucent and soft. All you need to do is to soak one to two teaspoons of sabja seeds in a cupful of warm water for about 15 minutes to burn belly fat. It's because of the warm water, the seeds get swelled up and release digestive enzymes.
There are various other ways you can include sabza seeds in your diet. Since, they have a neutral taste, they can be easily combined with other foods to make palatable foods and drinks replete with the goodness of sabza seeds.
Milkshakes –
Just like chia seeds, sabza seeds can be added to milkshakes and smoothies along with other fruits, flavours like maple syrup, honey etc. of your choice.
Lemonade –
The refreshing drink of lemon juice can be turned healthier with the addition of beaten sabza seeds.
Desserts –
Yes, these seeds can be seamlessly included in any dessert recipe. Include them in the nuts and seeds mix that you add to desserts like halwa, pie and tea cakes.
Soups –
Sabza seeds will work great as one of the ingredients of your humble soup. The already healthy dish will turn healthier with it inclusion.
Garnish For Salads
Sabza seeds can be easily used as a part of the dressing or vinaigrette for salads. These seeds will add some crunch and healthfulness to any salad you include it to it.
You could sprinkle these seeds on drinks like lemonade and green tea, or you can also munch on these seeds as a low-calorie snack alternative. Better still; add it to your soups and salads.

Sabja seeds for weight loss: Sabja seeds are most effective when soaked in water and consumed
Sabja Seeds Side Effects for Pregnant Women and Children
Vitamin K present in sabza seeds may increase the chances of blood clotting and may reduce the effects of blood-thinning drugs and related treatments.
Since, sabza seeds are rich in fibre content, they may cause digestive issues lie bloating because out digestion system may take some time to adjust to the new diet comprising high fibre intake. It is suggested to include and increase the amount of sabza seeds in the diet gradually.
Caution: Pregnant ladies and children should avoid eating these seeds. Children could choke on them, if they are not mixed well with water. On the other hand, sabja seeds are believed to reduce the levels of oestrogen in the body. Make sure you consult a doctor if you are pregnant or suffering from any health condition to avoid any complication.