7 Unexpected Uses Of Turmeric In The Kitchen Beyond Cooking


By incorporating turmeric into your kitchen routine in these innovative ways, you can harness its many benefits beyond its culinary uses.

7 Unexpected Uses Of Turmeric In The Kitchen Beyond Cooking
Turmeric offers a range of health benefits.


  • Turmeric offers a versatile and healthy addition to your pantry.
  • It is most commonly used as a spice for cooking.
  • But you need to explore these surprising ways to use turmeric.

Turmeric, a vibrant yellow spice derived from the roots of the Curcuma longa plant, has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine and cooking for its medicinal properties and unique flavour. But turmeric offers much more! While turmeric is widely known for its use in curries and other dishes to add flavour and colour, it offers a multitude of benefits beyond its culinary applications. Let's explore seven innovative ways to incorporate turmeric into your kitchen routine for a healthier and more flavorful experience. 

Here Are 7 Ways To Use Turmeric In The Kitchen:

1. Natural Food Colouring:

  • Add a splash of turmeric powder to water or vinegar to create a natural food colouring for rice, pasta, or other dishes.
  • Use turmeric-infused water to marinate vegetables or proteins for a vibrant yellow hue.

2. DIY Turmeric Paste:

  • Make your own turmeric paste by combining turmeric powder with water, lemon juice, and a pinch of ginger.
  • Apply this paste to the skin for a natural glow, or use it as a marinade for meat or fish.

3. Turmeric-Infused Drinks:

  • Brew turmeric tea by steeping turmeric powder in hot water with a touch of honey or lemon.
  • Add turmeric to smoothies or golden milk for a boost of antioxidants and flavour.

Turmeric drinks like tea offer various health benefits. 

4. Turmeric-Infused Oils:

  • Create turmeric-infused oils by heating olive oil or coconut oil with turmeric powder.
  • Use these oils for dressings, marinades, or as a finishing touch to dishes.

5. Turmeric-Infused Honey:

  • Combine turmeric powder with raw honey to create a flavorful and medicinal condiment.
  • Use turmeric-infused honey as a sweetener for tea, yoghurt, or oatmeal.

6. Turmeric-Infused Salts:

  • Mix turmeric powder with sea salt to create a flavorful seasoning for meats, vegetables, or snacks.
  • Experiment with different ratios of turmeric and salt to find your preferred flavour profile.

7. Turmeric-Infused Cleaning Solutions:

  • Use turmeric powder to create natural cleaning solutions for your kitchen.
  • Combine turmeric with water and vinegar to scrub countertops, sinks, or cutting boards.

Experiment with these ideas and discover the countless ways turmeric can enhance your cooking and cleaning experiences.

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