Happy Birthday Milind Soman: Here's How His Diet and Fitness Mantra Can Become a Part of Your Lifestyle


As the Pinkathon Ambassador turns 52, we share his diet and fitness mantra

Happy Birthday Milind Soman: Here's How His Diet and Fitness Mantra Can Become a Part of Your Lifestyle


  • Undeniably, he is one of the most desirable men of the country
  • Milind Soman is one of the earliest male supermodels of the country
  • The Pinkathon Ambassador turns 52 today
Undeniably, he is one of the most desirable men of the country. With looks to die for and a sculpted physique that is envied by most men around, Milind Soman is one of the earliest male supermodels of the country who gradually blossomed into an actor and a producer later on. A passionate fitness enthusiast, Milind seems to have perfected fitness to an extent that we can only imagine. He successfully completed the Zurich Ironman Triathlon in the year 2015 at the age of 50! Besides his jaw-dropping good looks, one thing that sets him apart is the sheer discipline in his daily routine and fervor to keep pushing the limits of his fitness.
Last year we got a chance to interact with the Ironman at one of the events in the city and below we share what we would love to call words of wisdom from the Ironman himself. As the Pinkathon Ambassador turns 52, we share his diet and fitness mantra that can be a part of your lifestyle and help you in a journey toward a fitter, healthier you.Wisdom #1 - be active"I've barely ever sat much or been idle," Milind Soman.Therefore, the key is to be as active as possible. Take stairs over elevators and small breaks throughout the day; walk whenever possible and of course, exercise regularly.Wisdom #2 - fight your demons
"For me, giving up chocolates and smoking was quite a challenge. I had chocolates stacked in my refrigerator more than any other item. Now, I don't even feel like having it," shared Soman.There will always be that one thing that will end up shaking your determination; you will always have an excuse for not ditching it. Whether it is smoking or not going to the gym regularly, find that one habit, food item or a craving that stands in between you and your fitness and work actively toward defeating it.Wisdom #3 - believe in yourself, it is all in your headMilind claims that he trained for the Ironman in under three months, 80 days technically! "I had picked up running but had not swum for 25 years and had never cycled before," he noted. Once you are determined enough and set a routine in place, it is possible to achieve just about anything.
Wisdom #4 - Watch your weight"I weigh the same as I did when I was 18," shared the Pinkathon Ambassador.The key is to stay at your ideal weight. Research suggests that identifying and staying at your ideal weight may automatically help stave off risk of developing a host of ailments.Wisdom #5 - Mind your diet
"There is no trick. You need to feed your body the right thing. Eating right is the first step, and once that falls in place you need to back it up by regular exercising," noted Soman.Portion control should be exercised as a apart of your diet. Smaller frequent meals trump larger fewer meals. Eat a variety of foods cutting back on sugar, refined items and junk food. "Fruits should always be eaten before sunset, never mix them with other food items as it tends to hinder digestion. Also, always have foods with skin or peels on. I think vegetarian source of protein is better assimilated in the body, non-vegetarian source of protein is just more convenient for most people," explained Milind.At 52, Milind is much more than just a contemporary fitness icon. His idea of fitness is never to look a certain way but to be able to run faster and lift heavier. Your fitness journey can simply begin by taking a 10-minute walk every day at the same time staying committed to it. Milind inspires most of us to ditch our sedentary lifestyle and embrace a fitter, healthier way of living. While Milind keeps busy by running a barefoot marathon, cycling on a hilly terrain or simply climbing hills or standing upside down in a Shirshasana, here's wishing him all the luck and best of health on his birthday, may he continues to inspire many more every day.
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