Happy Birthday Yami Gautam: Here's How The Self-Confessed Foodie Manages To Keep Fit and Fab


The balance that Yami has managed to find between fitness and her love for food is admirable. Here's a sneak peek into her fitness and diet secrets.

Happy Birthday Yami Gautam: Here's How The Self-Confessed Foodie Manages To Keep Fit and Fab
Actress Yami Gautam will be ringing in her 29th birthday today The actress started off the year with a bang with the much awaited 'Kaabil', where her portrayal of a visually impaired girl was appreciated by critics and audiences alike. The actress who began her career with the super hit 'Vicky Donor' in the year 2012, has carved a niche for herself in the Hindi film industry with her fine acting chops, uber-cool fashion choices and the ever-so fit body, which obviously didn't come easy.
Yami jogs for 20 minutes and does hot yoga for 90 minutes every alternate day. Yami believes that yoga also keeps her skin glowing and healthy. Yami also does a combination of TRX and Pilates to keep her body toned.She starts her day with a glass of pomegranate juice and follows it up with a protein rich breakfast which typically consists of an egg-white sandwich, a banana shake and almonds. Yami has several small meals through the day. Before lunch Yami, has a bowl of fruits and nuts to keep her metabolism racing. Yami believes in eating more fruits than fruit juices, to keep the fibre intake high. For her lunch she usually has dal, vegetables or chicken curry with chappati, curd and a cucumber salad. In the evenings, she has a brown bread sandwich and follows it up with grilled fish for dinner.Yami steers clear of junk food, and sticks to 'ghar ka khaana' as much as she can. Being from the mountains, Yami loves her plateful of rice. One of the biggest challenges the self-confessed foodie had to face was the elimination of white rice which she replaced with unpolished, brown rice. Yami also keeps her body hydrated at all times and keeps sipping into water or coconut water whenever she finds time. She keeps her body cool with water-based fruits like melons and litchis too.The balance that Yami has managed to find between fitness and her love for food is admirable. She also keeps giving her fans a glimpse into her diet and fitness from time to time through social media.
That's her giving fitness goals with her intense yet fun kettle ball trainingDancing is the secret of her energyShe has her share of indulgences too. This drool worthy hot chocolate is proofThat's her enjoying a delicious soft-serve
Here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday Yami! Hope you get to enjoy all your favourite treats today!
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