How to Brew A Perfect Cup of Masala Chai; Here Is A Full-Proof Recipe


It is said brewing a perfect cup of tea is an art. Here's a foolproof formula to a perfect cup of tea.

How to Brew A Perfect Cup of Masala Chai; Here Is A Full-Proof Recipe

It would be an understatement to say that tea-lovers are very specific about their cup of chai and how it is prepared. Some enjoy it with full-fat milk while some like it with skimmed milk; others may like it cloyingly sweet, while there are some who enjoy it absolutely strong without milk or sugar. In Indian subcontinent, you would also find an interesting concept of 'Masala Chai'. But even among 'Masala chai fans' there are divisions. There's a section of people who don't like their tea flavoured with any spice barring fresh ginger, while some others may want a whole range of spices to be cooked along with the milk and the tea, lending their cup an aromatic quality.

For those who want to go all the way and use all the spices from their kitchen, there is a way of ensuring that their cup of chai is perfectly aromatic and strong to sip in.

Follow These Tips To Get A Strong Cup Of Masala Chai Every Single Time:

Serves- 2 cups

Recipe For Perfectly Brewed Masala Chai:

  • First and foremost, we need to boil 1.5 cup of water.

  • Then we need to add 1 cup of milk. 3-4 tablespoons of milk powder can also be an alternative option, if there's no milk at home. In that case, we need 2.5 cups of water, instead of 1.5 cup. Here's an option, if you want to buy milk powder: 

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Nestle Everyday Dairy Whitener, 400g Pouch
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  • For masalas, add 1 teaspoon of grated ginger, 5 to 6 tulsi leaves, some spices from the kitchen like- 4 cloves (laung), 1 stick of cinnamon and 2 cardamoms (elaichi). If your kitchen pantry is not so loaded, you can just add 1 teaspoon of this tea masala pre-mix to brew a perfect cup of tea:

  • Now comes the most important part- tea. Add 1.5 teaspoon of tea leaves and brew on low heat for around 5 minutes. Here's a good option of tea leaves for a perfect cup of chai:

Editor's Choice
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  • Add sugar as per your taste. Here's an option for you to buy:

Must Have
Trust Classic Superfine Sugar, 500g
(151 ratings & reviews)

The perfect cup of masala chai is ready to be strained and served hot. Take a sip and relish!

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