How To Choose Perfect Papaya And Cut It The Right Way


Papaya wins all brownie points for taste and health, but when it comes to cutting it, it loses some.

How To Choose Perfect Papaya And Cut It The Right Way
Papaya is a storehouse of several health benefiting properties


  • Papaya provides us with vitamin A, vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • The ideal time to cut papaya is when it is starting to ripen.
  • Check the colour of the outer skin of the papaya.

Papaya is one of the few fruits that are available all year round and consumed regularly. In fact, health experts advise eating papaya every other day for smooth digestion. The fruit also provides us with vitamin A, vitamin C and antioxidants, boosting our immunity. And let's not forget how incredibly delicious the fruit is. Papaya wins all brownie points for taste and health, but when it comes to cutting it, it loses some. If you want to know how to pick the perfect papaya from the market and learn the right way to cut it, keep reading.

But first, we will address the doubt that pops up in the mind every time before cutting papaya.

Also Read: Love Papaya? We Have 7 Healthy Ways For You To Include It In Your Diet

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When Should You Cut A Papaya? 

The ideal time to cut papaya is when it is starting to ripen. Raw papaya may not be palatable to eat directly and overripe papaya may be harmful to health.


How do you know when papaya is almost ripe?

Check the colour of the outer skin of the papaya. It should be changing from green to yellow - not entirely green, not entirely yellow. Also, check for stains and mushiness on the ends. If the ends are too squishy, leave it. The right papaya should be just slightly soft without too many black stains.

Also Read: This Cool Trick Will Make Papaya Smell And Taste Better


How To Cut Papaya - 7 Easy Steps:

Step 1 - Wash the papaya and pat it dry.

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Step 2 - Cut its ends on both sides with a sharp knife.

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Step 3 - Place the papaya on the chopping surface lengthwise and cut it in half.

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Step 4 - Take a spoon and scoop out the seeds and pulp from the centre part of both halves. Make sure not to cut through the flesh.

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Step 5 - Remove the outer skin with a peeler. Use a knife if the skin is thick.

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Step 6 - Cut both halves into long strips of half each thickness.

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Step 7 - Cut all the strips into small cubes and serve.

Photo Credit: iStock

These simple steps will help you get the perfect bite-sized papaya pieces, which you can enjoy as is or with the seasoning of black salt, lemon juice or chaat masala. If you were lucky enough to find the perfect sweet papaya, you won't even need any seasoning.

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