Post-Lockdown Skin Care: 15 Foods To Include In Your Diet For A Healthy Skin


Our diet plays a huge role towards our skin health. Here is how 15 of some very common foods can contribute to a healthier, glowing skin.

Post-Lockdown Skin Care: 15 Foods To Include In Your Diet For A Healthy Skin
Health experts have always stressed upon the fact that you are what you eat.


  • The lockdown saw a shift in our lifestyle towards all things unhealthy
  • Irregular and unhealthy meals with a lot of stress affects our skin
  • Here are 15 foods that can promote skin health

The lockdown due to Coronavirus crisis came with its own set of pros and cons. Staying shut at home had their own share of setbacks for many of us. A laidback lifestyle, hectic work from home schedule coupled with ever-growing stress have ultimately affected the health of many, resulting in multiple skin-related issues. A lifestyle with no fixed meal timings, irregular sleep hours and excess of junk food can lead to a series of skin-related issues, including dull and dry skin. And as many health experts have repeatedly stressed upon, you are what you eat.

But there's nothing that healthy food cannot help with. Eating healthy is literally the easiest and most convenient way to achieve perfect skin. And if you are wondering how to get back a glowing, healthy skin after the wear and tear of lockdown, your kitchen pantry itself has all the answers!

Here Are 15 Foods You Can Include In Your Diet For A Healthy, Glowing Skin:

1. Tomato

While one uses tomatoes in face packs in reviving the glow on dull skin and as a remedy for sunburn, tomato, when added to juices or had as is in salads, can repair the skin damage. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is also used for facial cleansers.

Tomatoes are known to heal sunburns.

2. Oranges

Abundant in vitamin C, oranges help to clear the skin of any unwanted marks, making your skin healthy. Besides protecting our skin from any harmful damage and sunburn, a regular intake of orange may also lead to a delay in the onset of fine lines and wrinkles.

Orange comes brimming with vitamin C

3. Berries

One can chomp off a bowl of mixed berries full of antioxidants, crucial for the health of your skin. From strawberries, blueberries to raspberries, all berries help in retaining your skin texture and keeping skin tight.

Berries are full of antioxidants

4. Beetroot

Rich in antioxidants, beetroot helps replenish the dead skin cells, fights against free radicals in the body, exfoliates the dead cells and helps get rid of pigmentation. Besides purifying the blood, it also stimulates the blood flow in the body which makes leaves skin glowing. One can simply juice beetroot to purify the blood from within and cleanse the toxins, leaving you with a healthy glow on your face.

Beetroot helps replenish the dead skin cells.

5. Carrot

Packed with beta carotene, lutein and lycopene that prevent the degeneration of cells and give a radiant glow to the skin, carrots also have a large amount of vitamin C, which promotes collagen growth, reduce acne and dark spots. It works well when consumed raw. You can simply slice them and toss with salads.

Carrots also have a large amount of vitamin C, which promotes collagen growth.

6. Lemon

Packed with vitamin C, B and phosphorus, lemon is an amazing food item to add to your diet for that natural glow. The natural acids of lemon gently remove dead skin cells and lighten age spots. Best way to consume lemon is to mix a teaspoon with a glass of water and consume twice every day!

Lemin is rich in vitamin C and the natural acids of lemon gently remove dead skin cells and lighten age spots.

7. Yogurt

With a rich content of lactic acid, zinc and B vitamins and antioxidants, yogurt is a powerful tool to treat skin problems. One can simply eat a bowl full of yogurt every day!

Yogurt is a powerful tool to treat skin problems.

8. Turmeric With Milk

The classic solution for all health problems, turmeric milk (haldidoodh) clarifies your skin and adds a natural glow to it. It can improve uneven skin and is also known for removing suntan.

Turmeric with milk clarifies your skin and adds a natural glow to it.

9. Flaxseeds

Rich in omega-3 fats, flaxseeds helps fight inflammation besides keeping your skin hydrated and retaining the moisture. Add it to your bowl of cereals or make a smoothie with milk, flaxseeds are extremely versatile in cooking dishes with it.

Flaxseeds helps fight inflammation.

10. Pomegranate

Known for having numerous benefits such as increasing haemoglobin, pomegranate also helps in anti-ageing and treats sun-exposed skin damage. One can have it as is or make a juice!

Pomegranate also helps in anti-ageing and treats sun-exposed skin damage.

11. Salmon

One of the best sources for omega 3 fatty acids that help in keeping the skin moisturized and supple, salmon has mineral call selenium which helps in protecting the skin from sun damage. Bake, grill or steam, salmon is a versatile food besides being a powerhouse of nutrients.

Salmon has mineral call selenium which helps in protecting the skin from sun.

12. Spinach

Loaded with minerals and vitamins, spinach helps minimize the blemishes on our skin. The antioxidants present in spinach will help you achieve flawless skin by fighting early signs of ageing.

Spinach helps minimize the blemishes on our skin.

13. Pumpkin

A mix of all things healthy, pumpkin is rich with antioxidants, vitamins (A and C), minerals and zinc which is vital in the creation of new skin cells. It also helps regulate oil production, improve skin tone and reduce the appearance of open pores. Simply eat a handful of pumpkin seeds in the morning to brighten up your skin!

Pumpkin is rich with antioxidants, vitamins (A and C), minerals and zinc.

14. Broccoli

Broccoli contains pantothenic acid which is known to work wonders for skin health. It also has beta carotene and sulphur compounds, which promotes great skin. Besides this, it is rich in vitamin C that helps to repair damaged tissues. Toss them into your salads right away or steam it with a pinch of salt for a delicious meal.

Broccoli has beta carotene and sulphur compounds, which promotes great skin.

15. Walnuts

Good source of essential fats, zinc, vitamin E, selenium and protein make walnuts a perfect addition to your diet to promote skin health. Adding walnuts to your diet isn't tough all, all you need is eat a handful of it along with your breakfast!

A rich nutritional profile make walnuts a perfect addition to your diet to promote skin health.
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