Top 5 Annoying People at Supermarkets

Top 5 Annoying People at Supermarkets
Recently I went to MY Disneyland. The supermarket.
Beaming like a Cheshire cat, trolley in my hand, sliding away on the shiny floor, I park myself in the first aisle. But then BOOM! I spot them.
Here are top 5 annoying people I regularly spot at supermarkets:The stalker
No. Stop following me around in every aisle. I am not planning to plant a bomb in your store. Sure, you're getting paid to assist the customers and enhance our shopping experience but if we really need your help, we'll call you.The aisle blocker
The supermarket obviously belongs to you. I am so sorry, I will come back another time. What is with people blocking the aisle with their massive trolley and just refusing to move. I get it, you want to read the labels and access the products before buying them. If only you could do that with your trolley parked neatly on the side, aisle blocker!

The 'MUMAAAYYY, ye chahiye'

Control.Your.Kids. Really! Whenever you go to the store there's always this over harassed parent with a kid tagging along throwing a tantrum over which chocolate bar to buy. Mummy, sour punk. Mummy, cheese. Mummy, potato smileys. And when mummy says no there's a solo howl performance by the kid. There is occasionally a 'rolling on the floor crying' jig too.The line cutters
I don't care if you have two products or three. Do not cut the line. There are people who have been standing and waiting in the queue for a really long time. Be courteous and stand at the end. Aapka number aayega!
The trolley crashers
The name says it all. Right? Do you have grease on your hands or what? Turn around and go home, butter fingers!Thus is my list. Who all have you met so far?
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