Diabetes Diet: 7 Expert Tips To Cut Down On Sugar Without Feeling It


Balanced Diet For Diabetes: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) listed down some easy ways to cut down on sugar consumption to manage high blood sugar.

Diabetes Diet: 7 Expert Tips To Cut Down On Sugar Without Feeling It
Diabetes diet plan: Here's how to reduce sugar consumption.


  • Sugar is considered the main culprit for inducing diabetes.
  • FSSAI listed down some easy ways to reduce sugar intake.
  • Follow these tips to cut down sugar in your diabetes diet.

Sugar is that bittersweet food we love and hate in equal measure. It is touted as the main culprit in the alarming diabetes pandemic. High sugar consumption is one of the primary causal factors of high blood sugar, which can further lead to many other health issues, including cardiovascular diseases. Over so many years of eating sugar in our drinks and foods, we have developed a kind of addiction to it which is difficult to shirk off, but not impossible.

In a series of tweets, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) listed down some easy ways to cut down on sugar on diabetes diet.

(Also Read: 5 Ways To Manage Your Diabetes And Boost Immunity)

Diabetes: High sugar consumption leads to high blood sugar. 

7 Easy Tips To Reduce Sugar Intake To Manage Diabetes

1. Chutney Over Sauce

Bottled ketchup sauce, mustard sauce and other condiments you get from the market may contain a high amount of sugar to make them taste good. Try pairing your meals and snacks with homemade chutney and sauces sans sugar.

2. Fruits As Desserts

Desserts are all about pleasing the sweet tooth. Fruits are naturally sweet and much less harmful than refined sugar we put in desserts. So, every time that sweet craving nudges you, pick any sweet fruit of your choice. Banana, apple, custard apple and other such fruits are great picks.


3. Add Flavour Not Sugar

Spices like cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg can add a dash of sweetness and other flavours to your dish. Try replacing sugar with these spices to spice up your food.

4. Sugar-Smart Desserts

A rule of thumb you can follow while making desserts - cut the sugar content mentioned in your recipe by one-third or half. Your dessert will still be adequately sweet, and gradually you'll palate get used to low amounts of sugar.


5. Switch From Sweetening To Dressing

Breakfast cereals, yogurt parfaits, porridge - these breakfast dishes have always been sweetened with sugar for great taste. But it's time to make a switch now. Instead, dress up your meals with sweet ingredients like dates, raisins, figs and fruits to make them appetising yet healthy.

(Also Read: Methi Jowar Roti Can Replace Regular Roti In Your Winter Diabetes Diet)


Dates are a good replacement for refined sugar. 

6. Fresh Is Better

Not just desserts and pre-cooked meals, canned fruits and vegetables may also contain sugar or artificial sweetening agents. Always buy and consume fresh and seasonal produce and avail their maximum health benefits without disrupting your diet.


7. Avoid Sneaky Sugars

Carbonated drinks like colas, sodas, tonic water and packaged juices dump more sugar in your body than you'd want them to. Without realising, you consume a copious amount of sugar in only one of these drinks. Swap them with fresh coconut water, lemon water, lassi, fresh fruit juice and smoothies.

Combat diabetes with a healthy diet without or low amount of sugar. Incorporate these expert tips in your eating habits and see them making a difference.

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