Rocket Pear Salad Recipe


A delicious salad recipe with marinated slices of pears grilled and tossed with rocket leaves. Drizzled with some balsamic reduction and topped with blanched tomatoes.

  • Total Cook Time 30 mins
  • Prep Time 10 mins
  • Cook Time 20 mins
  • Recipe Servings2
  • Easy

Ingredients of Rocket Pear Salad

  • 300 gm rocket leaves
  • 3 to 4 green pears
  • 65 gm pecorino cheese
  • 1/2 Tbsp balsamic reduction
  • 1 tsp citrus dressing
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 Tbsp blanched and diced tomatoes

How to Make Rocket Pear Salad

Process and clean the rocket leaves, wash and dry it.
Peel the pears and cut slices of 1-inch thickness. Remove the core from each slice.
Marinate the pear slices in citrus dressing and grill them.
Slice the pecorino cheese into triangles of 1-inch thickness each. Arrange the grilled pears and the cheese slices alternately.
Toss the leaves in citrus dressing and place it in the center of a plate.
Top it with balsamic reduction and serve garnished with tomatoes.
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