15 Funny Restaurant Signs

15 Funny Restaurant Signs
After gleamingly lapping up the amazing response we got for '15 Hilarious Restaurant Names', it's clear that everyone loves a restaurant that exhibits humour. Restaurant-business 101 teaches us that apart from the solid, well-oiled mechanism that's essential for every establishment to run, a little humour doesn't hurt.
In fact, research proves that restaurants that display light-heartedness, humour and comicality have more loyal customers, better tips and far superior word-of-mouth marketing. Okay, I just made that up but I'm sure that's true. In this metaphysical universe, it's the logical thing that happens when you make people laugh - they tend to like you. In the long run and due to the snowball effect, it means better business for your restaurant. Seen any funny signs? Leave a comment below.

Images as uploaded on Imgur.com
Questions/Comments? Mail me at PragatiS@ndtv.com
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