5 Natural Mouthwashes That You Should Try To Maintain Oral Hygiene With!


Oral hygiene is one of the most important aspects of keeping healthy. Many experts have claimed that oral bacteria may affect your stomach health in more ways than one, so it becomes even more necessary to maintain basic hygiene.

5 Natural Mouthwashes That You Should Try To Maintain Oral Hygiene With!


  • Oral hygiene is one of the most important aspects of keeping healthy
  • Oral bacteria may affect your stomach health
  • The oral microbiome in your mouth is an essential part
Oral hygiene is one of the most important aspects of keeping healthy. Many experts have claimed that oral bacteria may affect your stomach health in more ways than one, so it becomes even more necessary to maintain basic hygiene. We generally turn to anti-bacterial mouthwashes for an overall cleanup after brushing because it is believed that a liquid mouthwash will be able to combat and kill the bacteria in the mouth better. However, we don't realise that artificial mouthwashes could not only kill harmful bacteria but also destroy the natural flora in your mouth, making the problem bad to worse.
The oral microbiome in your mouth is an essential part of a healthy digestive system, so using anti-bacterial mouthwashes frequently could have more adverse effects on your digestion. Commercial mouthwashes also have alcohol in them that could dry out your mouth. This, in fact, can worsen the situation for those who already suffer from bad breath. Saliva is what maintains a healthy pH in the mouth, a dry mouth means reduced saliva production, which in turn could promote production of bad bacteria and bad breath. So ideally, you should brush your teeth, floss and finally scrape your tongue to keep your mouth clean. But if you are used to using mouthwashes, then try and stick to natural ones as far as possible. You can make a natural mouthwash at home without having to worry about any repercussions. We give you a few recipes to make natural mouthwashes at home, read on. 1. Cinnamon and Clove mouthwashAll you need to do is take one cup distilled water, 10-15 drops of cinnamon oil and 10-15 drops of clove oil and mix them well and your mouthwash is ready. The best part about this natural mouthwash is that it has a long shelf life; that is you can keep it for a long period of time. This mouthwash will not only help you combat bad breath but will help fight cavities too.Tip: You can also use whole spices here.
The best part about this natural mouthwash is that it has a long shelf life;​
2. Apple cider vinegar mouthwashTake about two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, one cup of salt water and vanilla essential oil in a bowl and mix them well. Store the mixture in a bottle and swish your mouth with this solution.
Store the mixture in a bottle and swish your mouth with this solution

3. Peppermint and tea tree oil mouthwashTake a mason jar and add one cup of distilled water, two teaspoons of baking soda, 8-9 peppermint leaves and two drops of tea tree oil. Mix all the ingredients well. Before every use it, make sure you shake the jar well as the baking soda settles down on the bottom. Avoid swallowing while gargling.
Make sure you shake the jar well as the baking soda settles down on the bottom4. Parsley and mint mouthwash
Take a blender, add two tablespoons of parsley, two tablespoons of mint, one cup of distilled water and one tablespoon vodka (optional) and blend them all for about two minutes. Pour through a strainer to remove any residual herbs. Pour the clean content in a jar and close tightly. Rinse your mouth with one tablespoon of the mixture. Avoid swallowing!
Rinse your mouth with one tablespoon of the mixture​5. Salt water mouthwashThis is a simple mouthwash that needs one cup distilled water, one tablespoon salt and one and a half teaspoon of baking soda. Mix all of them well and pour them in a bottle. Nothing can be better than good old salt water mixture to cleans your mouth.
This is a simple mouthwashSwish your mouth with these concoctions for at least 2-3 minutes to get the best results. Ditch your commercial mouthwash and use the natural ones to ensure a clean and healthy mouth. 
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