7 Foods That Are High In Salt, You Must Avoid These.


If you are a blood pressure patient, you would know how important it is to cut down on sodium as it may only raise the amount of salt in your blood steam.

7 Foods That Are High In Salt, You Must Avoid These.


  • Most packaged foods may have hidden salts in them
  • Try using fresh products as much as you can
  • You should switch to unprocessed salts
If you are a high blood pressure patient you would know how important it is to regulate your salt intake as it may only further aggravate your condition. It could end up reducing the ability of your kidneys to remove excess water, which further causes high blood pressure due to the extra fluid and strain on the delicate blood vessels leading to the kidneys. It may look complicated, but that is what salt does to your body and this is probably why most health experts restrict over-consuming salt or salt-laden products. 
But does it ever occur to you why your blood pressure is on the higher side even when you are doing everything to cut down on your salt consumption? There is hidden salt in many processed foods that we routinely consume, these foods may not necessarily taste ' salty' but could be adding to your overall intake secretly putting our health at risk. We list out some foods that you should look out for. Read the label well and go ahead only when you are a 100% assured.
  1. White or brown bread- You may eat them in the morning for breakfast or as snacks as part of sandwiches, bread rolls, bread poha etc. Breads make one of the most commonly eaten foods that use salt as an ingredient. 
  2. Biscuits- who doesn't like a biscuit or two with their cup of tea; after all it is the most convenient snack to nibble on. Whether it is sweet, salty or creamy, all of them have salts that no one tells you about.
  3. Cornflakes- A bowlful of cornflakes is great to kick-start your morning with. Unfortunately, a serving of these cereals may be prepared using salt.
  4. Processed cheese- A slice of cheese on your bread may look harmless, but that's where it may be spiking the sodium level in your body.
  5. Condiments and sauces- A can or bottle of your favourite condiments and sauces may have loads of salts adding to your body.
  6. Frozen foods- Do you like frying your frozen foods for snacks daily? You should stop. Salt is used as a preservative in these foods, which may wreak havoc on your health.
  7. Instant noodles- What better than a plateful of instant noodles to satisfy your hunger pangs? Made with all-purpose flour and excessive amounts salt, these noodles won't do any good to you.
Most packaged foods may have hidden salts in them, hence the preservation. While you cannot cut down on your favourite foods, you can definitely limit the intake. Try using fresh products as much as you can and limit consumption of processed foods as they may contain the maximum amount of salt. Always read the nutrition label well to identify low-sodium foods. In fact, other than limiting these foods, you should switch to unprocessed salts and add them in your food.  
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