Breakfast of Champions: Donna Karan's Egg White Omelette

Breakfast of Champions: Donna Karan's Egg White Omelette
Illustration: Zoe More O’Ferrall for the Guardian
The fashion designer has one of these every morning, washed down with a green vegetable juice.The fashion designer loves green vegetables, and always has her first green juice of the day with a morning omelette.Makes 1 large omelette
Wash 100g spinach leaves and put in a hot pan, wilting the leaves in just the water clinging to them. Remove, cool slightly, squeeze out excess water and chop roughly. Mix with half a teaspoon of chopped dill and a teaspoon of chopped parsley, plus one chopped spring onion, and keep warm. Whisk three egg whites until pale and fairly bubbly (but not as far as peaks forming). Season, pour into a hot frying pan with a melted knob of butter and swirl around so it coats the base of the pan. Cook gently for a few minutes, until the base starts to turn golden. Scatter the spinach and herbs on top, and grate over a little parmesan (or goat's cheese or feta). Using a spatula, gently fold the omelette in half, and serve at once.
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