Beautiful actress turned producer, Anushka Sharma is ringing in her 30th birthday today. The Pari actor got recently married to Indian cricket team skipper Virat Kohli in Italy. After giving super-hits like Band Baaja Baarat, Pari and NH10, she will now be seen in most awaited films including Sui Dhaga alongside Varun Dhawan, Zero with Katrina Kaif and Shahrukh Khan and Sanju, a multi-starrer biopic of actor Sanjay Dutt alongside Ranbir Kapoor and other actors. The self-confessed foodie Anushka is known as one of the fittest actors in the B-Town. That's right! She is one big foodie and doesn't let anything come in between, except for strict fitness regime. Let's find out how Anushka Sharma manages to keep so fit despite being a foodie!Anushka Sharma's Fitness Regime The Pari actor works out religiously and ensures that she doesn't miss out on her gym sessions, no matter where she is. Anushka is more into weight and strength training and ensures working out even when she is out and about shooting. In fact, in one of her interviews, she also mentioned that she prefers yoga over gyming as it helps increase flexibility and rejuvenates her mind after a long day at work.
Apart from this, she finds out time for meditation, a powerful tool to cleanse her mind. This way, she ensures a day with fresh and positive thoughts. No wonder, she has a radiant skin.Anushka Sharma's Diet RegimeIn one of her interviews, Anushka revealed that she is a big foodie but ensures that she works equally hard to maintain her body. She also mentioned about having a high metabolism, which makes her eat in every two hours. Anushka prefers eating home-cooked food that normally has dal, chapatti, salad and vegetable curry. As per her, while junk food may taste amazing, it shows on your body and skin, making you look dull and overweight. Even if you wish to have junk, make sure you exercise properly. The Pari actor revealed that she drinks loads of water to keep her skin glowing. However, this doesn't mean that Anushka doesn't enjoy her share of yumminess in her tummy. We have got proof.Here's a picture posted by her enjoying waffles and we bet you cannot be as focussed as her while enjoying it! Check this out. And she confessed in this picture that she loves elderflower tea/juice. Here's how husband Virat Kohli wished Anushka a happy birthday! Well, here's to the most 'positive and honest' person he knows:
We wish Anushka Sharma a very Happy Birthday and wish her the best in her future endeavours!
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