Instant Breakfast Recipe: Make Overnight Coffee Oats For Healthy Meal


This instant oats recipe that we are sharing with you comes with the exciting flavour of coffee - another morning favourite!

Instant Breakfast Recipe: Make Overnight Coffee Oats For Healthy Meal
This oats recipe is a must-try.


  • Oats make for an excellent breakfast option.
  • Try these oats with unique chocolate flavour.
  • Here's a recipe of instant overnight oats recipe.

Come Monday and we scramble to have our breakfast in peace every morning for the rest of the work-week. There is no time to eat a lavish meal, let alone cook it. Here we are sharing our wisdom earned over the years, hoping it will help you - prepare in advance! And the best morning meal to prep ahead is oats. Oats can be had in a number of ways, but for our rushed breakfast, we choose to make overnight oats. This will give you instant oatmeal and save a lot of your precious time in the morning.  

Oats make for the perfect breakfast food. They are loaded with proteins, healthy carbs and other nutrients that energise us and keep our tummies feeling full for a long time.  

Overnight oats, in particular, are our favourite. Because you leave the oats soaked in milk overnight and just take it out of the refrigerator and dig in the next morning. This instant oats recipe that we are sharing with you comes with the exciting flavour of coffee - another morning favourite! And the best part is it is completely healthy. Nutritionist Shivika Gandhi Anand shared the recipe for instant coffee oats on her Instagram page 'the_nutritional_edge' and we can't wait to try it. 

Instant Overnight Coffee Oats Recipe I How To Make Instant Oats Meal: 

Soak oats in milk in a jar. Add cocoa powder and espresso. Top it with banana, walnuts and cinnamon powder. Keep it in the refrigerator. The next morning, mix everything and just enjoy your tasty and healthy meal.  

Check out the complete recipe below: 

(Also Read: 5 Yummy Overnight Oats Recipes For A Healthy Breakfast)

A wholesome meal of oats, banana, milk and walnuts will give you your morning nutrient fix and will lift up your spirits with the coffee flavour. You don't even need to make your cup of coffee separately.  

Just spend a few minutes the night before, and your delicious oats breakfast will be waiting for you when you'll wake up the next day.  


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