Make Sugar-Free, Preservative-Free Jam At Home With The Summer Fruit - Mausambi (Sweet Lime)

Make Sugar-Free, Preservative-Free Jam At Home With The Summer Fruit - Mausambi (Sweet Lime)
Summer fruit: Sweet lime jam


  • Mausambi (sweet lime) fruit can be converted into a lip-smacking jam
  • Sweet lime is a summer fruit with numerous health benefits
  • This sweet lime jam is sugar-free and contains no preservatives

We all grew up eating jam with our bread toast. We could actually live on the delicious combination of sweet jam and crunchy, salted bread. But as we grow older, our preferences change. The overkill of sugar in jam now despises us as we are etching towards a healthier lifestyle. Also, store-bought jams contain preservatives, which are again a big 'no-no'. With the bottles of mixed fruit jam missing from our refrigerator, and food options to be paired with our bread now getting restricted, there's a void to be filled. And, we are trying to fill it with a healthier and also delicious alternative. Mausambi (sweet lime) fruit can be converted into a lip-smacking jam that will make you forget the regular jams lining the shelves of supermarkets. 

Summer is the best time to make this jam as mausambi is available during this season, so you can make the jam without adding any artificial preservatives. Take into notice that you are using fresh mausambi fruit to make this jam. So, you are also getting the numerous health benefits that this fruit offers. 

Sweet lime (mausambi) is a summer fruit with numerous health benefits

The following recipe of mausambi jam is sugar-free and contains no preservatives. The best thing is that it is super easy-to-make at home. Mausambi's orange-like tangy flavour complements the sweet taste of jaggery. A dash of lime works wonders to add in some freshness. 

Mausambi (Sweet Lime) Jam Recipe


Ingredients - 

7 nos. of mausambi fruit
2 carrots
1 cup jaggery (gud)
1/4 cup lime water
1 teaspoon salt


How to make it - 


Step 1- Peel and juice masambi and carrots in a juicer/grinder.
Step 2 - Grind jaggery separately till it turns into a powder form.
Step 3 - Keep the juiced mausambi and carrots on gas for boiling.
Step 4 - When the juice starts to boil, add in salt and jaggery powder.
Step 5 - Let the mixture boil for at least 15 minutes or till it reaches the right consistency.
Step 6 - After the jam is cooked and taken off the gas, let it cool for some time.
Step 7 - Add the lime water and mix well.
Step 8 - Refrigerate it for few hours and your mausambi jam is ready. 

This mausambi jam is sugar-free and contains no preservatives


Lime water acts as a natural preservative so you won't have to worry about the jam going bad too soon. You can also add vinegar instead of lime as it contains the same food-preserving properties. Relish this sugar-free jam made with mausambi all through the summers with your bread toast and reminisce your old childhood days. 

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