Khow Suey - The Authentic Burmese One-Pot Meal, Ideal For Changing Weather


Khow Suey Recipe: The Burmese Khow Suey is a one-pot dish which is a must-have during the period of change of season.

Khow Suey - The Authentic Burmese One-Pot Meal, Ideal For Changing Weather
Khow Suey is an authentic dish from Burma which comprises noodles and vegetables.


  • Khow Suey is a one-pot meal from Burma
  • It is a comforting soup loaded with nutrition
  • It comprises vegetables, noodles and coconut milk
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Fall or autumn season has its own unique charm. When we part ways with the summer season and winters aren't quite here, there are a number of occurrences happening around us. It is during this period that our body is highly prone to seasonal infections, and our immunity is at an all-time low. It is absolutely essential to eat healthy and nutritious food which will keep diseases at bay and nourish us from within. The Burmese Khow Suey is one such dish which is a must-have during the period of change of season.

Khow Suey is a traditional dish from Burma which basically comprises noodles, vegetables and coconut milk. The one-pot meal is made with egg or chicken in it; however, the Khow Suey recipe we have here for you is completely vegetarian. The Khow Suey is a satiating and wholesome dish in itself due to the generous use of vegetables, tofu and noodles in a spicy broth. The use of ginger, garlic, lemongrass and turmeric further enhances the health properties of the preparation making it work wonders for the immune system too.

(Also Read: Shilpa Shetty's Homemade Khow Suey Looks Delicious, Fulfilling And Comforting)

Khow Suey is a one-pot comforting meal which contains a number of ingredients. 

How To Make Khow Suey | Veg Khow Suey Recipe 

To make the Khow Suey, begin by grinding the condiments such as onion, garlic, ginger and lemongrass to a fine paste. Use gram flour to thicken this mixture, and then add water and coconut milk to form the soup of the Khow Suey. Now mix in the vegetables, spices, boiled noodles and coarsely ground roasted peanuts. Garnish with fried garlic and browned onions and your meal is ready!

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The hearty soup is bursting with flavours in every bite. So try this healthy and authentic preparation for a stellar meal today!


Click here for the step-by-step recipe of Vegetarian Khow Suey.

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