Bollywood filmmaker, producer, anchor and TV personality, Karan Johar celebrated his 48th birthday at his Mumbai residence on Monday. Unlike the starry birthday parties that the filmmaker is famous for, Karan opted for a close knit affair this time due to the nationwide lockdown. In his intimate gathering, we spotted his mother Hiroo Johar and kids Roohi and Yash Johar. Unless you have been living under a rock, the three year-olds are a sensation on Instagram. Karan Johar often shares videos of his adorable toddlers who often have a strong and hilarious opinion on their father's wardrobe, singing skills and fitness.
On Karan Johar's birthday too, Roohi and Yash lit up our screen with their sheer cuteness. In an Instagram video shared by Karan Johar on Monday, we spotted them right next to KJo's stellar birthday cake in shape a of 'K', a chocolate cake covered in blue cream frosting and studded with fruits, macaroons and chocolates, and also had blockbuster written all over it. In the video, Karan can be heard instructing Yash and Roohi to blow the candles on his behalf and as soon as they stop singing the Happy Birthday song, Karan asks them if he should eat this cake, "NOOOO!", they shouted in unison, "Because you will become fat", Roohi added. At this point Karan breaks into a laugh and says, "but it's my birthday let me become a little fat", and the adorable banter continued until Yash decided to tuck in a white chocolate sitting pretty on top of the cake, prompting Roohi to grab a bite of the cake as well. "You all have eaten my birthday cake. My birthday, you have only celebrated it, cut the cake and eaten it", says Karan in the background.
(Also Read: Karan Johar Bakes Yummy Treat For Kids Yash And Roohi, And Customises It Too!)
Are they the cutest, or are they the cutest? Later in the evening, however, Karan had a slightly concerning news to share with his fans, he posted an Instagram story about two of his house helps who were diagnosed with COVID 19. While Johars have shown no signs of infection till now, but they would be in self-quarantine until further orders.