This Smartphone Device Tests Male Infertility in Just 5 Seconds!

This Smartphone Device Tests Male Infertility in Just 5 Seconds!


  • A device similar to a smartphone that can analyse the sperm quality
  • It can detect male infertility at home in just 5 seconds
  • The device is not available for the public yet

We are living in an age where technological advancements are having their moment. Be it in the field of entertainment, service, news or medicine, digital is the way to go. The trend is also justified because technology does make our life easy and more convenient which are also the two things that are required in the health sector. Keeping this in mind, a team of scientists have developed a device similar to a smartphone that can analyse the sperm quality and reveal if the person suffers from infertility.Though people may think that inferitility is woman's problems, in most cases it can be attributed to the male partner. Therefore, it is very important that both men and women get tested for infertility to be be able to find the appropriate solution. Male infertility is mainly caused due to sperm quality, sperm production or transport. Male fertility actually relies on the quantity and quality of sperm. With the help of this new technology, men may actually be able to test their sperm at home, thus making diagnosis easy and treatment quicker.The smartphone device is a simple and affordable way to test male infertility at home just as pregnancy tests are. Men may have to make frequent visits to the hospital to get it detected but this new device can examine a video of an undiluted and unwashed semen sample in just five seconds!

The device use a combination of an optical attachment that is connected to a smartphone and a disposable device for loading the semen sample. The device has been tested by experts using 350 semen samples at the Massachusetts General Hospital Fertility Center.It was able to detect abnormal semen samples basis sperm concentration and motility with 98% accuracy. It merely cost $4.45 dollars to assemble it. The device is not available for the public yet as researchers are planning to carry out some more tests before they file for an approval from the US FDA.
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