Weekend Special: How To Make Chickpea Pulao For Dinner Parties At Home


Chickpea pulao, quintessentially referred to as Kabuli pulao is a wholesome dish that finds its roots in Afghani cuisine.

Weekend Special: How To Make Chickpea Pulao For Dinner Parties At Home
Chickpea pulao is not only tasty but also loads you up with protein


  • Pulao is a popular choice among all.
  • Here's a delicious chickpea pulao recipe for all to try.
  • This dish is easy to make and loads you up with protein.

Weekend and indulgence go hand in hand. In fact, the weekend seems incomplete without some sinful indulgences, keeping all the diet thoughts at bay. But let's agree, after a long and hectic week, we just don't feel like spending long hours in the kitchen. Instead, we look for options that are not only easy to make but also taste delicious. And if you are like us, then you surely scroll through the internet, looking for such easy yet super delicious recipes.

Recently, during our search, we came across one such recipe that is simple, classic and taste just so delicious. It's called chickpea pulao. Sounds delicious, isn't it? It only makes for a wholesome meal by itself but also grabs all the limelight at any house party. And trust us, it just takes a few minutes to cook this dish. You can have it as is or pair it with your favourite veg or non-veg curry. And yes, the dish is protein-packed too, thanks to the inclusion of super healthy chickpeas in the dish. So, what are you waiting for? Go through the recipe well and plan your weekend party menu accordingly. Take a look.

Also Read: How To Make Paneer Moti Pulao: An Aromatic Royal Addition To Your Dinner Menu

How To Make Chickpea Paneer Pulao For Weekend Indulgence:

Chickpea pulao, quintessentially referred to as Kabuli pulao is a wholesome dish that finds its roots in Afghani cuisine. It consists of steamed rice, mixed with Kabuli chana (or chickpeas), raisins, some veggies, and spices and topped with pomegranate seeds. You can also add meat to it for added flavour. As per food experts, Kabuli pulao (or Qabeli palaw) is considered a festive dish that is placed at the centre of the meal spread, with other foods accompanying it. Check out the recipe here.

To start with, boil rice with some water. Keep the cooked rice aside. Then, saute bay leaves, mace, green cardamom, black peppercorn, brown cardamom, whole red chilli, cinnamon stick along with cloves and ginger garlic paste.


Add chopped onion and saute till it turns golden brown in colour. Add salt, turmeric powder, coriander powder and green chilli. Mix well. Now, add chopped tomatoes along with coriander leaves and chickpeas and cook for a while. Cover the lid of the pan. Add yogurt and mix well.

Finally, add the cooked rice over the cooked chana, with oodles of ghee, followed by fried onion. Cover the lid and cook for some time. Garnish with anar seeds (pomegranate seeds) and serve hot.


Click here for the detailed recipe. 

Try this delicious recipe and do let us know how you liked it. For more such delicious pulao recipes, click here.


Happy and indulgent weekend, everyone!

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