13 Most Bizarre Ways Of Serving Food Across The World That'll Shock You


Reddit users shared the most bizarre ways they had been served food in a restaurant, and some of the pictures will definitely shock you.

13 Most Bizarre Ways Of Serving Food Across The World That'll Shock You
Here are the 13 most bizarre and shocking ways of serving food that'll shock you.


  • A Reddit thread curated some of the most bizarre plates across the world
  • Food was served inside books or in barbed wires
  • Here are the 13 most shocking pictures for you

Dining out has become a lavish affair. Everything from the restaurant's ambience to its aesthetic appeal is a deciding factor for customers. Chefs too are going the extra mile to make their dishes quirky and a class apart from the other eateries. This involves not just the food, but also the way it is presented and plated. In the recent times, we have seen the trend of food being served in ways and dishes other than the simple plates that we're used to. For instance, Reddit user u/deadsocial shared a video of a starter being served inside a book. Shocked? Take a look and see for yourself.

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The video was shared in the sub-Reddit r/WeWantPlates, which is among the top 3 trending communities of Reddit. We could see layers of meat sandwiched between the pages of a book. How gross, right?

This wasn't all the creativity that we found. A quick scroll through the viral Reddit thread revealed that this wasn't the only bizarre way to serve food that people had spotted. Several other users had shared the strange and shocking plates that they encountered on their restaurant visits. Take a look at the top 13 we picked:


1. This pretzel and cheese dip came hanging at the end of a monkey's tail

2. Rather than the usual tables, this table had a layer of fake grass on it


3. This dessert came in a gigantic silver spoon (weird, right?)

4. The appetiser and dip was plated atop a giant rock in this one


5. Even the garden implement was not spared from becoming a plate

6. Cheese croquettes came plated in a ceramic hand for this Reddit user


7. Imagine having to find your way through barbed wire to get to your favourite snack!

8. Appetisers came plated in a miniature Ferris wheel for this one


9. Would you like to try these chips served in a comb's teeth?

10. Strawberries came placed atop a miniature chair in this one

11. Fancy a breakfast served in none other than an egg carton?

12. A crack in the board did not fare well for this Reddit user

13. This appetiser came served in a planter!

What did you think of these shocking plates from across the world? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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