
Food Plating

Food Plating - 11 News Result(s)
  • "One's JEE Is Someone Else's BhuJEEya", Food Plate Recycled From JEE Paper Sparks Debate

    The food plate was recycled from a JEE Mains question paper! Bizarre, right? People on the internet were amused to see that the food plate was recycled from a question paper.

  • 13 Most Bizarre Ways Of Serving Food Across The World That'll Shock You
    13 Most Bizarre Ways Of Serving Food Across The World That'll Shock You

    Reddit users shared the most bizarre ways they had been served food in a restaurant, and some of the pictures will definitely shock you.

  • How to Plate a Dish: 7 Easy Tips on Food Styling
    How to Plate a Dish: 7 Easy Tips on Food Styling

    When it comes to eating, our visual senses take primary seat, whereas the taste buds follow suit. Here are 7 tips for styling food.

  • Why Does Artistically Presented Food Taste Better?
    Why Does Artistically Presented Food Taste Better?

    A study has shown that an artful plate of food tastes better - perhaps due to the effort that has been put in, or maybe for more complex reasons. How bothered are you by presentation, ...

  • 9 Worst Food Plating Ideas
    9 Worst Food Plating Ideas

    Food platting or presentation is one of the most important things along with taste to be kept in mind before serving guests, as it portrays the theme and environment of a restaurant.

  • Food Presented Artistically Really Does Taste Better
    Food Presented Artistically Really Does Taste Better

    Salad that looks like a Kandinsky tastes better than the same salad arranged geometrically - and diners will stump up moreThe old adage that we eat with our eyes appears to be correct, according to ...

  • My Cooking is a Mess - And Tastes Better for it
    My Cooking is a Mess - And Tastes Better for it

    Making ingredients taste of themselves is of course virtuous. But slamming them together with other ingredients so they become something else is where the real action is.

  • Plate Spinning: The Smart Chef's Secret Ingredient
    Plate Spinning: The Smart Chef's Secret Ingredient

    Food that's pointing in a particular direction is more appealing - which is why restaurants can charge you extra for it.

  • Wait, What? Vendor's Gold And Silver Burger Might Cost You ?1 Lakh
    Wait, What? Vendor's Gold And Silver Burger Might Cost You ?1 Lakh

    The latest food trend that seems to be going viral are the foods plated with gold. This time, a gold plated burger has caught the attention of many.

  • Watch: Nani's Savage Response On Her Grandson's Demand For Gourmet Food Will Leave You In Splits
    Watch: Nani's Savage Response On Her Grandson's Demand For Gourmet Food Will Leave You In Splits

    This viral video shows why you should never mess with your grandmother's cooking.

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