I Eat Synthetic Meat To Reduce Carbon Footprint: Bill Gates


Bill Gates hosted an AMA session on Reddit and spoke about efforts to reduce carbon emission.

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I Eat Synthetic Meat To Reduce Carbon Footprint: Bill Gates
Bill Gates isn't just a billionaire, he is also known for his philanthropy work.


  • Bill Gates hosted an AMA session on Reddit
  • A user asked him about his personal efforts to tackle carbon footprint
  • He revealed that he consumes synthetic meat sometimes

Bill Gates might be the owner of a big business empire and the co-founder of the largest software company, Microsoft, but he has also made a huge impact on the world and society with his philanthropic work. Mr Gates, who has recently been working towards the cause of climate change, hosted an 'Ask-Me-Anything' (AMA) session on Reddit and revealed how he has been doing his bit to reduce carbon emission.

The AMA session was based around efforts to tackle climate change and saw many interesting questions coming on the billionaire's way, including topics ranging from water shortage, nuclear energy, etc. One user took the opportunity to ask about the most important things a regular citizen can do to decrease their carbon footprint, to which Bill Gates suggested consuming less, consuming green along with opting for synthetic meat. When asked about more of his personal choices, Bill Gates responded with a couple of things that he has opted such as eating synthetic meat sometimes. Take a look:

(Also Read: Bill Gates Bakes Special Cake To Wish Warren Buffet On His 90th Birthday (Video Inside))

"On the personal front, I am doing a lot more. I am driving electric cars. I have solar panels at my house. I eat synthetic meat (some of the time!). I buy green aviation fuel. I pay for direct air capture by Climeworks. I help finance electric heat pumps in low-cost housing to replace natural gas." Bill Gates wrote.

For the unversed, synthetic meat (or cultured meat) is the type of meat that is grown in a lab using animal cells instead of the slaughtered animal. One may call it cellular agriculture.


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