4 Types Of Bottles You Must Have At Home


We bring you a few options of different types of bottles for various purposes to fulfill your daily needs.

4 Types Of Bottles You Must Have At Home

Can you imagine a house without any bottle? They might look simple, but play a very important role in our everyday life. From drinking water to storing any form of liquid, a bottle is a must-have container in every household. If we look around, we can find different types of bottles in the market. From plastic bottles to steel bottles, from water bottles to bottle shakers- the list is long and extensive.

Here we bring you a few varieties of bottles, which have various purposes and can make life so much simpler.

Take A Look At The 4 Types Of Bottle Options:

Cello Venice Plastic Bottle Set

These are the basic water bottles everyone can keep at home to drink water from. These water bottles by Cello come in a set of 5 and have 7 colour variants- red, yellow, clear, multicolour, purple, brown and assorted. 

Milton Aqua 1000 Stainless Steel Water Bottle

The brand Milton has always been associated with good quality water bottles. This single piece water bottle holds 930 ml of water and comes in 4 colour variant- red, blue, pink and silver.

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Fitkit Classic Bottle Shaker

If you are a fitness enthusiast and swear by protein shakes, then this bottle shaker is just ideal for you. It is easy to use, holds 700ml of liquid and can be a perfect addition to your sports/gym kit.


Home Centre Drizzle Oil Bottle

While it does not quite fit in the category of water/juice bottles, but this oil bottle can truly help facilitate cooking. As you must have guessed, you can use it to store oil. The glass bottle comes with a nozzle on top that helps in keeping the usage of oil in cooking under control.


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