Delicious Movies - Oscar Menu Compilations

Delicious Movies - Oscar Menu Compilations
The Descendants
How do you take somber and mind-numbingly life altering situations and treat them to be as light as souffle - is the question on everybody's mind ever since 'The Descendants' came out. The credit goes to one man - Alexander Payne, who dons the director's chair seven years after he made the remarkable 'Sideways' in 2004. The movie follows Matt King (played flawlessly by George Clooney) coping with his wife's coma after a boating accident and news about her extra-marital affair before the unfortunate incident. The movie flows effortlessly, even with the heavy tones of Matt reconnecting with his young daughters, dealing with the man his wife was having an affair with, and the choices he makes as a sole trustee of the vast amount of ancestral land. It's best to watch this movie without preconceived expectations created by the Oscar buzz and to watch it for the wave of emotions and the rich realism it offers.Create a Descendants-Inspired Hawaiian Spread -
Prawns and Sugarcane
A creamy mixture with the flavours of peanut butter, Hoisin sauce and prawns, rolled around a sugar cane stick and deep fried crisp. A
delightful treat in just 30 minutes.

Pineapple, Cheese and Ham Salad
A refreshing salad, one that can be tuned according to your taste. The deliciousness of pineapple comes together with peppers, cheese and gherkins, sprinkled with a tantalizing dressing. Add bacon and ham bits for an extra punch.

Jerk Chicken
Leisurely coated with jerk seasoning powder and paste, chicken legs are lightly browned in olive oil and then baked/grilled for that perfect golden colour. Served with chilli sauce and jerk sauce.

Poached Prawns in Tropical Fruit Salsa
A chilly coconut puree mixed in with refreshing fruits - kiwi fruit, papaya, melons, sprinkled with spring onions and served with poached prawns. Yes, it does taste as good as it looks.

Sweet Potato Bake
Sweet potato wedges drizzled with luscious honey, herbs and seasoning, baked crisp and served with a freshly made blue cheese dip.
Pineapple Upside Down Cake
The succulent cake batter is poured over a creamy cake topping with pineapple rings, baked and turned upside down. Truly ingenious, easy-peasy and delicious.
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