Important Food And Kitchen Safety Tips To Keep Fit During Times Of Coronavirus


To safeguard yourself from getting infected with COVID-19, here are important measures to help you maintain good kitchen hygiene, and also strengthen your immune system.

Important Food And Kitchen Safety Tips To Keep Fit During Times Of Coronavirus


  • Coronavirus is also known as COVID
  • Practicing good hygiene may help keep infections at bay
  • You should eat fruits of all colours

We are stuck in a unique time in history, Coronavirus has afflicted millions of people across the world, and if we are not cautious about our hygiene now, we could be in for a much worse scenario. Coronavirus (CoV) belongs to a large family of viruses that may lead to respiratory illnesses, right from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Earlier this year, a new strain of coronavirus was discovered, which has not been previously identified in human beings, also known as a novel coronavirus (nCov). The listed symptoms of it are fever, cough, shortness of breath.
A nationwide lockdown was also extended a while back to slow the spread of the coronavirus. To safeguard yourself from getting infected with COVID-19, here are important measures to help you maintain good kitchen hygiene, and also strengthen your immune system.

Kitchen Hygiene Tips You Should Practice: 

  •  Keep your kitchen shelves and cupboards clean. Free space to get rid of unused and unwanted items.
  • Cook at home: Try to cook at home, opt for easy to cook and prepare foods in the house, if you cannot rustle up something interesting everyday. Cook rice and sauteed veggies. Even a bowl of fresh fruits and yogurt can be a good option.
  • Handwash: Wash your hands properly before touching or preparing any food.
  • Cook your food properly: It is important to ensure that your food is cooked properly. If it is uncooked then the harmful bacteria could lead to food poisoning. Cover the food container with lid while cooking to avoid losing those essential vitamins.
  • Clean the countertops: This simple measure could also help stop the spread of bacteria.
  • Avoid cross-contamination: Use different boards for cutting fish, vegetables and bread. Never leave edible food next to raw meat.
  • Bin basics: Old food in the bin can decompose and the bacteria can thrive on it. To avoid that, empty the bin on a daily basis.
  • Keep your fridge and sink clean: Scrub your sink from time to time. Get rid of pooled water or spillages around the sink and kitchen towels.

Diet Tips That Could Help Boost Immunity

  • Eat colorful foods that can help enhance immunity.
  • Foods such as papaya, pineapple, kiwi, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, turmeric and ginger could help strengthen the immune system along with your skin and hair.
  • Include turmeric in your diet as it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and could help you fight cough and cold
  • Garlic could also help cure common cold as it involves a cold-fighting compound known as allicin which has demonstrated antibacterial and antifungal properties. You can add freshly chopped garlic in the soup and drink it.
  • Eating ginger could help you get relief from respiratory problems and strengthen the immunity owing to the anti-inflammatory gingerol present in it. It has a calming and soothing effect on the body to offer relief from cold.
Fruits are packed with disease fighting anti-oxidants

About Author: Jinal Patel is a Clinical nutritionist and dietitian at Apollo Spectra hospital Mumbai  


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