How To Make Cheese Burst Garlic Bread For Weekend Indulgence


Be it for impromptu guest gatherings or any special event and simply when you want to have something delicious with your evening cuppa, this cheese burst garlic bread recipe fits every purpose.

How To Make Cheese Burst Garlic Bread For Weekend Indulgence
If you are someone who loves garlic bread, this recipe is a must try!


  • Garlic bread is loved by all.
  • Here we bring you a garlic bread recipe oozing with the burst of cheese.
  • Take a look.

Think of Italian cuisine and one of the first dishes that strikes our mind is Garlic Bread. This lip-smacking delight is an Italian classic and works as a crowd pleaser every single time. Have it as is or accompany it with soups, pasta and more, this dish is sure to tug at your heartstrings. That's not all! Preparing it at home is quite a cakewalk too. All you need is all-purpose flour, yeast, butter, garlic powder, and some seasonings to add the zest. If you are someone who loves garlic bread as much as we do, it's time for us to reveal the surprise to you all. Here we bring you a garlic bread recipe with a cheese burst inside it.

Also Read: 5 Fun And Easy-To-Make Garlic Bread Recipes

Be it for impromptu guest gatherings or any special event and simply when you want to have something delicious with your evening cuppa, this cheesy recipe fits every purpose. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started with the recipe.

Cheese Burst Garlic Bread Recipe: How To Make Cheese Burst Garlic Bread

To begin with the recipe, you first need to knead dough by using all-purpose flour, instant yeast, and sugar. Once done, set it aside.

Once the dough has settled down, add softened butter, and mix it well with the dough. Use your hands to do it! Leave it for fermentation.


To add cheese burst, take a bowl, add cheese, and milk. Microwave for 25-30 seconds. Mix well and keep aside.

Now, divide the dough into four equal parts; take one part and roll it by using a rolling pin. Make sure the dough is not super thin. For the complete recipe of cheese-burst garlic bread, click here.


If Italian cuisine is your favourite, click here for some lip-smacking recipes.

Now. that you know how to make cheese burst garlic bread, try it out at home and let us know how you liked it in the comments below.

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