5 Easy Dessert Recipes You Can Make Using Glucose Biscuits


Are you craving something sweet and simple? Try these delicious desserts made using our childhood favourite glucose biscuits!

5 Easy Dessert Recipes You Can Make Using Glucose Biscuits
Impress everyone with the good old charm of glucose biscuits.


  • We have often had glucose biscuits with chai
  • These biscuits are easily available every where
  • Try making these delicious desserts out of the plain biscuits

Before fancy biscuits filled our kitchen shelves, we spent most of our childhood enjoying these sweet and humble biscuits. As we grew up, it followed us around, sharing a packet in coaching classes after school or having some at the tea stall outside our college! These essential chai-time favourite biscuits have never disappointed us! And if you thought you are done with the wonders of glucose biscuits, you are mistaken! During the pandemic, people turned experimental in their lives as well as their kitchens, and it was only natural to go back to some of our comfort foods and try to reinvent them into today's diet!

So let's see how you can make these easy desserts and impress everyone with the good old charm of glucose biscuits.

Here're 5 Easy Dessert Recipes You Can Make Using Glucose Biscuits:

1. Parle-G Custard Pudding

Add a twist to your simple custard recipe by making a Parle-G custard pudding. First, make your simple custard and freeze it, then add powdered Parle-G on top and finally a good layer of melted chocolate to top it off. You can play around with the layers according to what texture you'd like to bite in first, the gooey chocolate, the crunchy Parle-G or the creamy custard. Whatever you choose it is sure to be loved by all.

Also Read: 11 Best Dessert Recipes | Popular Dessert Recipes

2. Parle-G Swiss Roll Cake

Swiss roll cake but minus the hassle of baking it! Instead of the cake dough, prepare the dough of powdered Parle-G, sugar, melted chocolate and milk. Flatten it out and spread a centre filling on top of it which can be anything from mawa to thick whipped cream. After you are done with spreading the filling, the tricky part is to roll the dough tightly but gently. This step ensures that you have the beautiful iconic swiss roll pattern. Let it freeze for around 30-45 mins, cut and serve this easy dessert.


3. Parle-G Choco Lava Cake

It is no news that the world has accepted making cakes with biscuit batter by now. So you might as well make something delicious out of it! Use powdered Parle-G instead of all-purpose flour; to this add sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder some milk and your batter is ready. Don't forget to add a piece of chocolate in the middle while pouring the batter for that extra gooey goodness! Enjoy warm with some powdered sugar on top.

Also Read: How To Make Choco Lava Cake In 30 Minutes


4. Parle-G Pie

There are a lot of ways to make pies and one of them is to use a biscuit base, and if you've made a biscuit base pie before, you know how well Parle-G is going to work out. The base is made with powdered biscuits and butter; it is pressed into the pie tin and put in the oven for not more than 5-10 mins which give it a slightly crunchy texture. Now for the filling, you can use plain whipped cream or custard and top it with different toppings like nuts, fruits or chocolates!

5. Parle-G Tiramisu Cake

Usually, tiramisus are made with a kind of Italian biscuits called the ladyfinger. The Parle-G tiramisu that we will be making will taste and feel the same as any other tiramisu but the only difference is that this one will come with a desi twist of Parle-G to it. Slightly dip your Parle-G in the coffee mixture, layer the biscuits and the cream cheese one after the other. Freeze for a bit and enjoy your heavenly mushy tiramisu!


Also Read: How To Make Tiramisu - Italy's Best Known Dessert 

These are 5 ways of making great desserts out of our beloved Parle-G. If you know of any other easy desserts made with biscuits that can hit the sweet spot, let us know in the comments below!

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