Move Over Red and White Wine; #BlueWine is the Next Big Trend to Look Out For!


Wine is considered one of the most classy drinks ever; perhaps second only to a glass of champagne. Whats even better is that several health experts now suggest that having an occasional glass of wine may be good for your health too!

Move Over Red and White Wine; #BlueWine is the Next Big Trend to Look Out For!


  • Wine is considered one of the most classy drinks ever
  • The electrifying new variety has left many swooning over its colour
  • Move over red, white and pink blue is the way to go
Wine is considered one of the most classy drinks ever; perhaps second only to a glass of champagne. What’s even better is that several health experts now suggest that having an occasional glass of wine may be good for your health too! While wine-lovers have always had red, white and rosé varieties to chose from, there’s a new entrant in town that’s getting a whole lot of attention across social media platforms. It’s blue in colour and those who have had a chance to try it out can’t stop raving about it. The electrifying new variety has left many swooning over its bright cobalt blue colour. Move over red, white and pink – blue is the way to go!

Blue Wine, What’s the Trend About?

Blue wine is similar to what your normal wine tastes like, it is just the colour that makes all the difference. Unlike the red wine which is made from dark coloured grape varieties and white wine that is made from non-coloured pulp of grapes, blue wine consists of both red and white grapes sourced from numerous vineyards across Spain. Invented by a Spanish company, the blue hue of the wine is a combination of anthocyanin, a pigment that is found in grape skin and indigo dye; no wonder it has such a beautiful tint to it. Makers claim that the blue colour signifies movement, innovation and infinity. The wine does not contain any sugar; instead non-caloric sweeteners are added.
People across social media platforms are sharing their experiences of drinking blue wine through pictures and believe us, they are amazing. 
 As with regular wines, people are already experimenting and making cocktails using blue wine as a base.  
 Some posts even suggest best accompaniments with the #bluewine  
15000 posts and counting. Let’s see how colourful a journey #BlueWine has.
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