Nigel Slater's Deli Tarts

Nigel Slater's Deli Tarts
Your favourite deli food baked in a light pastry
The ultimate quick fix made from a packet of puff pastry and a handful of good things from the deli. The tart filling can include almost anything you like from the counter, from marinated artichokes to basil pesto.The recipe Set the oven at 200C/gas mark 6. Lightly dust a pastry board or work surface with flour, then roll 250g of puff pastry into two 12cm squares. Score a rim about 2cm wide on each. Place each piece of pastry on a baking sheet, brush the outer rim of pastry with a little olive oil, then bake for about 20 minutes until crisp and golden. Remove from the oven.
Press down on the centre of each square of pastry with the back of a spoon and push the pastry down to form a square, shallow hollow. Spread the centre of each square with two heaped tablespoons of tapenade, then arrange a marinated artichoke on each, cut in half, a few sunblushed tomatoes in oil and then break 80g of mozzarella into pieces and divide between the two tarts. Return the tarts to the oven and bake for a further 5 to 10 minutes until the mozzarella has melted. Serve warm.The trick Use some of the marinade to brush the edges of the pastry before baking, instead of egg wash or olive oil.
The twist The possibilities are endless. Use basil or rocket pesto instead of tapenade. Add olives to the sunblushed tomatoes and artichokes. Introduce pickled capers or gherkins, marinated stuffed olives, roasted peppers, even slices of salami or chorizo to the filling, tucking everything under the mozzarella. You can also crisscross the tarts with anchovy fillets before baking. Email Nigel at Follow Nigel on Twitter @NigelSlater
Square meal: a deliciously light deli tart. Photograph: Jonathan Lovekin for the Observer
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