This Cancerous Chemical is Being Commonly Used in Toothpastes

This Cancerous Chemical is Being Commonly Used in Toothpastes


  • Titanium dioxide is found in tooth paste & personal care products
  • It is commonly referred to as E171 on the ingredient list
  • An additive is a substance used in products to improve or preserve it
Amongst the growing scare of cancer and our increasing exposure to toxic chemicals being used by food and skin care industries, comes another shocking revelation. The toothpaste that you, your kids and your family use every day may not be as good as you think it is. A new study carried out by National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in the United Kingdom and has been published in the Scientific Reports Journal. 
It shows that toothpastes and certain other food products contain an additive called titanium dioxide that may cause cancer. Scientists from France and Luxembourg have discovered that 40% of the rats who were chemical in their drinking water had precancerous growths. For the study, these rats were given the chemical through their drinking water for a period of 100 days. The amount given was proportional to what humans would be exposed through food and beauty commodities. The study results also showed that this chemical weakened their immune system. 
An additive is a substance used in products to improve or preserve it. Titanium dioxide is a naturally occurring oxide of titanium. It is commonly referred to as E171 on the ingredient list and is often used in products like toothpastes, biscuits, chewing gums and sunscreen. In their study, researchers have identified that this chemical can pass through the blood and be absorbed by the intestine. 
A previous study conducted by the International Agency for Research found that inhaling titanium dioxide, often used in paint, could cause cancer. Although it has not been proven that this chemical can cause cancer in humans, the French government has ordered an inquiry into the use of titanium dioxide in various products.It's worrying is that we are exposing our self to this alleged toxic chemical through food and personal care products we use on a daily basis. It is sometimes used as bleaching agent in creams or sometimes as a anti-caking agent in biscuits. It may also be found in chocolates to give a smooth texture and in tooth pastes to create abrasion.  
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