Watch: 5 Great Household Hacks Using Salt


Salt is one such seasoning that brings out the best from a dish. But did you know, salt can also be used for cleaning and various other household purposes?

Watch: 5 Great Household Hacks Using Salt


  • You can clean your old tooth brush with salt
  • Salt helps prevent apple from browning
  • Soaking candle in salt water help it burn longer

Even though our kitchen pantry is full of spices and herbs, when it comes to cooking, salt is one of the most important ingredients we can think of. It is one such seasoning that brings out the best (flavours) from a dish. But did you know, salt can also be used for cleaning and various other household purposes? It is one of the natural ways to de-odorise several kitchen products. Salt, also known as sodium chloride, works as an effective scouring agent, which helps to remove oily stains from textile fibres. We bring you 5 simple hacks using salt that can make few of your household chores easier.

Watch The Video of 5 Household Hacks Using Salt:

Also Read: Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Salt; Keep A Check!

Here's The Written Version Of Hacks Using Salt For You:

1. Make your old tooth brush cleaner- Take water in a bowl and put two teaspoons of salt in it. Soak the brush in the salt water for an hour. Take it out and you will find it cleaner.

2. Freshen your dish sponge- All you need to do is soak the sponge in salt water to freshen and de-odorise it.


3. Keep flowers fresh for long- Take a vase (that will hold the flower) of water and add two teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon sugar in it. Put the water in the solution and

4. Prevent apple from browning- Put the sliced apple in salt water. Make sure the skin is on the outer side of the bowl. Soak for some minutes and you will find the apple fresh as before!


5. Make your candle dripless- Soak the candle in salt water for few hours and then dry the candle in the sun. This will help the candle burn longer without dripping.

Try these hacks at home and make life easier!


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