4 Types Of Flour You Can Add To Your Meal


Planning to restock atta in your pantry? Give these options a look before buying.

4 Types Of Flour You Can Add To Your Meal
Image Credit: iStock

Roti and paratha are staple for most of us. Hence, flour (or atta) holds a constant ingredient in every kitchen pantry. It is one of the most affordable and easily accessible ingredients for all. Moreover, it is loaded with several nutrients that help you put together a wholesome meal anytime of the day. While wheat flour is the most common variety available in every household, there are some other types of atta that also make an important part of our daily diet. We found 4 such atta options that you can add to your meal. Let's take a look.

1. Jackfruit flour:

Eastern Jackfruit365 Green Jackfruit Flour

Made of raw jackfruit (or kathal), this atta has no sweet taste or strong aroma of the fruit. Moreover, the low carb and calorie content make this flour healthier for daily consumption. We found this packet of jackfruit flour that you can use to prepare roti, idli, dosa etc.

2. Multigrain flour:

Organic Soul Multigrain Flour


Multigrain atta is ideal for the ones who prefer including the goodness of various grains in their meals at one go. This packet of multigrain atta by Organic Soul includes wheat, finger millet, amaranth and gram flour.


3. Amaranth flour:

Natureland Organics Amaranthus Flour


Amaranth (or rajgira) is a gluten-free cereal that is rich in a number of essential nutrients such as calcium, protein, fibre and manganese. Keeping its goodness in mind, we found this packet of amaranth flour that provides you with daily dose of energy to keep going.


4. Ragi flour:

Manna Plain Ragi Flour

The goodness of ragi needs no introduction. It is loaded with every essential nutrient that our body needs for a healthy growth. Here's a packet of ragi flour that is loaded with calcium and dietary fibre.

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