Burger King Using Suez Canal Crisis To Promote Burger Riles Up Internet


Burger King, Chile recently took their official Instagram handle to share a post featuring a double whopper burger obstructing the Suez Canal.

Burger King Using Suez Canal Crisis To Promote Burger Riles Up Internet
This post by Burger King Chile draws negative reactions


  • Burger King, Chile's recent promotional post has drawn flaks.
  • They shared a promotional post that that refers to the Suez Canal crisis
  • In the post, a double whopper is seen blocking the Suez Canal.

Besides satiating our cravings with their juicy and fulfilling whoppers, the fast-food chain recently impressed us with their initiatives to support the F&B industry amidst the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. While Burger King UK lent their support to competitor food chains (like Mc Donalds, Taco Bell etc), Burger King Australia bought 200-tonne extra potatoes from farmers and distributed for free among the customers. However, one such recent exercise by the fast-food chain didn't go down too well with people in Egypt, and in return drew flak on social media.

Burger King, Chile recently took their official Instagram handle to share a post featuring a double whopper burger obstructing the Suez Canal. Allegedly, it referred to Ever Given cargo-ship that wedged in the Canal on March 23, 2021, blocking the maritime trade for over a week. It was basically a promotional poster of a double whopper which had "May be we made it too big" written on it in Spanish.

They wrote a note in Spanish alongside the post that read, "With Burger King's own delivery, there is no channel that interrupts our delivery, not even that of a tremendous Double Whopper. Want one?"

Also Read: Viral: Burger King Urges People To Order From McDonalds, KFC; Leaves Twitter In Awe


The ad fired up the internet and in no time #BoycottBurgerKing started trending. Social media users criticised the post and wrote alongside, "If you think marketing is to make fun and take advantage of break down in any country, you should think again. Exploiting the suffering of others will not promote you, but rather lowering your respect."

"Shame on you .. making fun out of others critical situations," wrote another in the comments section of the post. "Anyone who wants success has to talk about Egypt," read another comment.


It is not the first time that Burger King was criticised for their promotional posts. Sometime back, Burger King UK's post on Women's Day that read 'Women belong to kitchen' drew immense flak on social media too.

Also Read: Burger King Faces Flak For Women's Day Tweet, Here's How Users Reacted


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