Deepika Padukone is a foodie at heart and her recent Instagram posts and stories are proof of that. From revealing her comfort food to showing off her cooking skills, the 'Chhapaak' actor has given a glimpse of it all. In her latest Instagram post, Deepika posted a video in which she can be seen playing a game of 'This or That' where she had to choose between two options rapidly. One of the questions that Deepika was asked was to choose between cold coffee and filter coffee, and it definitely left her in a tricky situation! "Cold coffee or filter coffee had me thinking," Deepika wrote in the caption. Take a look at the video here:
(Also Read: Video: Deepika Padukone Just Revealed Her Comfort Food, Can You Guess?)
"You've given me really tough choices, " Deepika says but then goes on to reveal that she can't cheat on filter coffee. Deepika really loves her south Indian roots. Remember when she revealed how her comfort food is a bowl of rasam rice? And well we don't blame her! A cup of filter coffee or a bowl of rasam rice can make us all go weak in the knees!
(Also Read: Revealed! Here's What Deepika Padukone Just Can't Live Without (Pics Inside))
Other questions in the video included 'long walks or a movie night', to which Deepika picked movie night. Another was 'morning person or late', she plays smart and says she's a morning person but if there's a really fun party to go to then she's a late person. She ends the video by saying "This is bot rapid at all." With such tough choices to make, we understand that!
On the work front, Deepika will soon be seen in the movie '83, opposite husband and actor Ranveer Singh.