5 Tips To Remember While Packing Lunch Boxes In Summer


Bacteria and germs tend to grow faster in hot and humid conditions. And these factors often lead to food contamination in summer season.

5 Tips To Remember While Packing Lunch Boxes In Summer
Carrying light homemade meals to work during summer helps keep your stomach cool


  • Summer can be harsh on our health, increasing risks of food poisoning.
  • It is because foods easily get contaminated in the humid climate.
  • It is important to be mindful while packing lunch for school or work.

The summer season can be harsh, especially when you have to step out for work. But unfortunately, the scorching heat can't be an excuse to sit back at home. This is why, experts recommend taking extra care of your health and diet to sail through the season. While you will find people talking at length about drinking water, carrying umbrellas, and more, we often miss out on one important factor - and that is, packing your meals. Most of us prefer carrying light foods for lunch during this time, instead of opting for store-bought ones. Hence, it is yet more important to understand the safety rules while packing your meals to prevent them from getting spoilt or contaminated.

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Why Does Your Food Get Contaminated Easily During The Summer Season?

According to the USDA, bacteria and germs are always present in the environment, soil, air, water, and in the bodies of animals and humans. These microorganisms grow faster in warm and humid conditions and get easily multiplied on food in large numbers. That is why, you may often find food smelling odd when kept unattended for long. And if you by chance end up eating that, the chances of food poisoning increase.

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Photo Credit: Pexels


5 Tips To Pack Your Lunch Box Safely In Summer:

1. Use good quality containers:

Whether you are carrying food or drinks, it is important to pack them in insulated boxes and bottles. As per USDA, insulated containers help maintain the temperature of your foods and drinks for a long, without getting in contact with the humid conditions outside.


2. Do not pack hot meals:

It is always advised to bring your food to room temperature before packing. This helps prevent adding extra moisture to your food, increasing the risks of food poisoning.

3. Carry whole fruits:

If you are planning to carry fruits for lunch, make sure you carry them as is, instead of cutting them in pieces. Cutting and leaving the fruits for long diminishes the nutrient quotient and turns them brown and unappetizing. As per experts, it also increases the risk of food contamination.


4. Avoid carrying leftover perishable foods:

According to a report by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, it is always advisable to cook just the amount of perishable food that can be eaten to avoid possible safety problems with leftover perishable foods. Experts state that the older the food gets, the risks of contamination increase.

5. Reheat, if possible:

If you have an option to reheat your lunch at work before consumption, then you surely must do that. In fact, the report by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln states that if food is reheated in the microwave at work, reheat it until they are steaming hot throughout. This reduces the risks of food poisoning.


Follow these basic safety practices and enjoy a healthy and fresh meal at work. Happy summer 2024!

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