Have you been feeling bloated lately? Do you feel a burning sensation in your chest sometimes? Do you find yourself constantly burping every now and then? You must be wondering, why is that these things are happening to you? We have answers to all your questions. You might be suffering from acid reflux. As uncomfortable as acid reflux is, sadly, it is very common among Indians. As a matter of fact, a survey conducted by Apollo Hospital shows that over 10 million Indians suffer from acid reflux in a year! But before we look for easy ways to prevent acid reflux (heartburn), let's understand what acid reflux is and what are its symptoms.
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What Is Acid Reflux? What Are the Symptoms?
Acid reflux is a medical condition in which the stomach acid flows into the food pipe and irritates the lining. The bile refluxes into your oesophagus and hence the condition has been termed acid reflux.
The symptoms of acid reflux are:
- A burning sensation in your chest is known as heartburn.
- A sensation of a lump in your throat.
- Burping/Belching
- Regurgitation into the mouth of highly acidic, partially digested food.
Acid reflux has become extremely common nowadays, especially because of the lethargic lifestyle people lead thanks to the pandemic. The lack of exercise and the increased consumption of fatty and fried food makes it more likely for you to have acid reflux. So how does one exactly reduce the risk of having heartburns altogether?
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Here Are 5 Ways To Prevent Acid Reflux:
Obesity is bad for health.
1. Maintain a healthy body weight
It is extremely important to lead a healthy life. Any sign of obesity can be dangerous for your body. If you are obese, then you are more likely to be in danger of life-threatening diseases. A study by the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia says that obesity and frequent acid reflux increases the risk of adenocarcinoma (a type of cancer).
2. Don't smoke
Enough posters and commercials have informed us that smoking is extremely bad for our health. It can destroy your lung and put you at risk for lung cancer. But that is not the only risk. Dr Jesper Lagergern of Scotland has found that tobacco can extend the time it takes for acidic foods to leave the oesophagus.
Exercise daily.
3. Exercise
The pandemic life has made us lethargic and reduced our bodies activity levels. Therefore it is necessary to put in a conscious effort towards exercising every day so that the body remains fit and you don't become obese.
4. Cut down on coffee, tea and aerated drinks
Another thing that all experts have been telling us for ages, caffeinated drinks are extremely unhealthy for the body. A study in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology has reported that heartburn is the most common symptom after drinking caffeinated drinks.
Fresh vegetables and fruits are good for health.
5. Follow a healthy heart diet
Creating healthy eating habits can go a long way! Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid junk food and fried food. These are just some of the basic and most important health advice that our moms have been giving us for years. Junk food can be tough for the body to digest therefore always choose the healthier alternative for everything you eat.
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Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.