Can Orange Peels Repel Cockroaches? The Truth May Surprise You...


Orange peels are often tossed out, but did you know they can help tackle unwanted pests in your kitchen? Read on to discover how to use them effectively.

Can Orange Peels Repel Cockroaches? The Truth May Surprise You...
Don't throw away your orange peels. Instead, use them to keep pests away.


  • Orange peels can be an effective solution to keep pests away.
  • Cockroaches repel the strong scent of citrus fruits.
  • Read on to know more.

Cockroaches are unwelcome visitors in any kitchen, no matter the season. However, they tend to get out of control during summer and monsoon, thanks to the warm, humid weather and abundance of food sources. While many rely on chemical repellents and pest control services, some people prefer natural solutions. One surprising option is the humble orange peel. Yes, you heard that right! Orange peels can help keep cockroaches at bay. But how exactly does it work? Let's dive into the science behind using orange peels to ward off these pesky intruders.

Also Read: 7 Amazing Ways To Re-Use Leftover Vegetable And Fruit Peels

Why Do Orange Peels Repel Cockroaches?

Orange peels are a surprisingly effective way to deter cockroaches from your kitchen. This is because they contain a compound called limonene, which gives oranges their fresh, citrusy scent. While we humans find the smell refreshing, cockroaches find it repulsive, making orange peels an excellent natural deterrent.

How To Use Orange Peels To Repel Cockroaches:

To make the most of orange peels, start by drying them out completely. You can leave them in a sunny spot or use an oven to speed up the process. Once dried, place the peels in areas where cockroaches are likely to appear, like under the sink, behind appliances, or in dark corners of your kitchen. Remember to replace the peels every few days to maintain their effectiveness.

While orange peels might not eliminate a severe cockroach infestation, combined with regular cleaning and proper food storage, they can certainly help reduce their presence.


Photo Credit: Pexels

5 Other Ways To Use Orange Peels Around The Kitchen

Orange peels aren't just for repelling cockroaches-they have plenty of other uses in the kitchen too.


1. Air Freshener

Make an eco-friendly air freshener using orange peels. Simply add the peels to water with cinnamon sticks and cloves, then simmer for 15-20 minutes. This natural concoction will help neutralize cooking odours and freshen up your kitchen.

2. Kitchen Cleaner

You can whip up a kitchen cleaner by soaking orange peels in vinegar for a couple of weeks, and then straining the liquid. This citrus-infused vinegar is perfect for tackling stubborn oil and grease stains without harsh chemicals.


3. Stainless Steel Polish

Are your stainless steel utensils looking dull? Rub the inside of an orange peel over them and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. The natural oils will help remove fingerprints and restore a glossy shine.

4. Microwave Cleaner

Give your microwave a citrusy refresh by placing orange peels in a bowl of water and microwaving for a few minutes. The steam will loosen food stains, making it easier to wipe clean.


5. Composting

Is your garden struggling? Give your plants a nutritious boost by adding orange peels to your compost. They'll enrich the soil with valuable nutrients, helping your plants thrive.

Also Read: Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Peel: How To Make Pomegranate Peel Tea (Recipe Inside)

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