Diabetes Diet: Try Stuffed Ragi Roti Instead Of Wheat Roti To Manage Blood Sugar Levels


Diabetes Diet: Diabetes is an irreversible condiiton until now that can only be managed by diet and lifestyle changes.

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Diabetes Diet: Try Stuffed Ragi Roti Instead Of Wheat Roti To Manage Blood Sugar Levels
Ragi (nachni) is often suggested to diabetics since it helps in maintaining blood sugar levels.


  • Diabetes can be managed by certain lifestyle and diet changes
  • Ragi flour is said to diabetic-friendly
  • Here's a simple stuffed ragi roti that you can try at home

Diabetes is perhaps one of the biggest challenges faced by many people around the world. A lifestyle disease, diabetes is distinguished by elevated blood sugar levels. It is an irreversible condition where one can only manage the symptoms and your diet plays a major role in managing it. As per many health experts and nutritionists, small meals at regular intervals full of fibre and antioxidants (and devoid of sugar) is ideal for someone suffering from diabetes. 

(Also Read: 17 Easy Diabetes-Friendly Snack Ideas To Manage Blood Sugar Levels)

Choosing what to eat and what to avoid can be quite a task. But our desi meals can easily be moulded into healthy, diabetic-friendly ones by tweaking certain ingredients and veggies here and there. Roti (or bread) is an essential part of an Indian meal and you'll be surprised to know that one can make a wholesome meal out of just roti! While most of us use whole wheat flour to make rotis, one can simple add or replace it with ragi flour or finger millet. Ragi (nachni) is often suggested to diabetics since it helps in maintaining blood sugar levels. The grain's seed coat is abundant in polyphenols and dietary fibres as compared to rice, maize or wheat. The low glycemic index lessens food cravings and maintains the digestive pace, consequently, keeping blood sugar within the safe range. "It is best to add it to your morning meal or have it for lunch in order to keep your system on track the whole day," says Dr. Anju Sood (Bangalore-based nutritionist).

There could be many ways to include ragi in your diet, and this stuffed ragi roti seems to be one of the perfect ways for a light yet wholesome meal for those managing diabetes. Not only is it absolutely healthy and fulfilling but is also delicious and flavourful. The vegetables stuffed in ragi roti are fibre-rich and brimming with antioxidants. Bitter-gourd, especially, contains active substances that lend anti-diabetic properties like charantin, which is known for its blood glucose-lowering effect and an insulin-like compound known as polypeptide-p. Here's how you can make stuffed ragi roti.

(Also Read: )

Ragi flour is said to be a better alternative to regular whole wheat flour.

Stuffed Ragi Roti Recipe:


- Dough:


- Ragi flour- 1/2 cup

- Whole Wheat Flour- 1/2 cup


- Water- as needed

- Salt- As per taste


For Stuffing-

- Bitter gourd (chopped)- 1 tbsp


- Fenugreek leaves (chopped)- 2 tbsp

- Spinach (chopped)- 2 tbsp

- Cauliflower (grated)- 2 tbsp

- Green chillies (finely chopped)- 1 tsp

- Ginger (chopped)- 1/2 tsp

- Salt- As per taste

- Oil- 1 tsp


Prepare the dough:

1. Combine all the ingredients for the dough together. Add water and knead soft dough.

2. Divide the dough into the number of rotis you want to make and keep aside.

Prepare the stuffing:

1. Mix all the vegetables together with ginger, chillies and salt to prepare a smooth stuffing.
2. Now roll one portion of the divided dough into a circle.
3. Put some amount of stuffing in the middle of circle, fold the dough from all sides and seal it. You can use a pinch of oil to seal well.
4. Roll it again over some flour and cook it over a hot non-stick pan with ghee or oil .
5. Repeat the process with rest of the divided dough. Serve hot.

Be careful to prepare the vegetable stuffing right before making the rotis since the veggies would start to get watery.

Try these diabetic-friendly, nutritious stuffed rotis for lunch next and share your experience with us in the comments section below.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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