From Market To Fridge: 5 Essential Safety Practices When Handling Milk


We present essential safety guidelines to adhere to when purchasing, storing, and consuming milk. Read on.

From Market To Fridge: 5 Essential Safety Practices When Handling Milk
Milk handling tips


  • Milk is consumed in households on a daily basis.
  • It's important to handle it the right way to reap its benefits.
  • Here are some essential practices to follow.

Milk is a dietary staple in households across India and around the world, offering crucial nutrition in various forms. Whether consumed as is, with flavoured additives, or incorporated into diverse recipes, milk is an integral part of our daily diet. Yet, amidst its wholesome benefits, it's imperative to question the safety of the milk you consume. Therefore, we present essential safety guidelines to adhere to when purchasing, storing, and consuming milk. Let's delve into these crucial practices.

Also Read: Is the Milk You're Drinking Safe? Check For Adulteration With These Simple Tests

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Safety Guidelines For Handling Milk: 5 Tips To Ensure Safety

1. Check the expiry date on the packaging:

Most consumers opt for packaged milk, available in various types such as full cream, double-toned, and skimmed, catering to different culinary needs. While choosing the type of milk, it's crucial not to overlook the expiration date on the packaging. Prioritize the consumption of fresh milk within two days of purchase to minimize the risk of contamination.

2. Avoid prolonged room temperature exposure:

Prevent the unpleasant experience of milk curdling soon after bringing it home by making the milk aisle your last stop while shopping. Swiftly transport the milk home and refrain from leaving it at room temperature for extended periods. Prolonged exposure can foster bacterial growth, jeopardizing the milk's quality.


3. Boil milk before refrigerating:

Resist the common practice of immediately refrigerating packaged milk upon purchase. Instead, ensure the milk is thoroughly boiled, brought to room temperature, and then stored for an extended shelf life. The boiling process aids in preserving the milk by eliminating germs and potential contaminants.

4. Use a clean and dry container for boiling:

Due to its sensitivity, milk demands careful handling to ensure safe consumption. Optimal safety involves boiling milk in a clean, dry container. Any presence of dirt in the container can adversely react with the milk's nutrients, compromising its quality.


5. Prevent cross contamination in the refrigerator:

Adopt the best practice of purchasing milk, boiling it, bringing it to room temperature, and then storing it in a clean, airtight container within the refrigerator. Avoid leaving it exposed in a bowl, especially near items like meat, as this can heighten the risk of cross-contamination. Such precautions minimize the likelihood of bacterial growth, preserving the freshness of the milk.

Follow these safety tips in your milk-handling routine to savour its nutritional benefits fully. Prioritize health, and stay fit!

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