What's the best way to relieve hunger pangs, ask an expert and he will tell you to grab a bowlful of fruits or a glass of fruit juice that will not only fill your stomach, but also keep you energised and fulfilled through the day. Fruits are power packed with essential nutrients and minerals we require for the day and so do fruit juices; after all, juices are a byproduct of fruits, right? Juicing fruits has become a convenient alternative to quickly consume important nutrients. While there are benefits to drinking fruit juice, it may not be as good as a whole fruit.Fruit juice is a good option for people who are picky eaters, so you can combine other fruits to make it tastier and flavourful. You can also combine vegetables with the fruits to mask the bitter taste of veggies and make it tolerable and yet get all important nutrients. Eating whole fruit does not give many options, however, some people like it this way.
Fruit juice is a good option for people who are picky eatersFruit juice or whole fruit?Fruit juices here clearly mean fresh juices extracted from whole fruits at home and not the packed ones. According to Dr. Preeti Jain, Senior Dietitian at Action Cancer Hospital, "Packed fruit juice bottle would sound better and handy to carry. But in that case note that just 250 milliliter of regular orange juice, contains over 140 calories, which is equivalent of almost three small oranges. It is highly recommended to eat fruit directly, and not drink it as packed one. Package juices not only destroy its beneficial compounds but it nearly removes the natural fiber present in the same, increasing the sugar content and reducing the fibers present in the same. Packed bottle also have preservatives which may have a detrimental effect on your health."Extracted juice does nourish your body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients available in the whole fruit. In fact, these nutrients are readily available to your body for absorption. However, juicing fruits can sieve off the fiber content that the pulp and skin of the fruit has. Fiber helps in boosting digestion, controlling blood sugar, and lowering cholesterol. Moreover, it keeps you full for longer, particularly if you are looking to lose weight. According to Ayurvedacharya Dr. Partap Chauhan, Director Jiva Ayurveda, "As far as quality is concerned, both are same, except for the difference that in juices dietary fibers are sieved off. Fibers are important for a healthy gut. That said, if you have to choose between a fruit and mass-produced commercial juices, choose the fruit. Commercial juices have preservatives which should be avoided as much as possible because preservatives are not nutrients. We recommend home pressed juices."
Another drawback of drinking fruit juice is the sugar content is absorbed in the body quickly due to the absence of fiber content, which will only lead to spike in blood sugar levels. On the other hand, whole fruits are packed with fiber, which helps the body to absorb sugar slowly.The verdictFruit juices are great, however, they shouldn't be served to diabetics considering they have no fiber content left. In fact it is okay to have both whole fruit and homemade juices alternatively but you can always choose to switch between the two. If we talk about ease of consumption, then juices are better for obvious reasons. The elderly, children and the indisposed who cannot swallow solids or find it difficult to swallow can be given juices. Packaged juices are a big no-no and will only reverse the health benefits of both, fruit and juice.
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