How To Keep Your Spices Fresh? 5 Easy Tips To Follow


The spice's shelf-life length is determined by its storage. Many factors can affect the shelf life of spices.

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How To Keep Your Spices Fresh? 5 Easy Tips To Follow


  • When it comes to Indian food, we all know how essential spices are
  • But did you also know that your spices can go bad?
  • Learn how to store and keep your spices fresh

When it comes to Indian food, we all know how essential spices and herbs are in our cuisine. We use all kinds of powdered spices, whole spices and even make our mixes to bring that perfect balance and zing to our dishes! And because of this, our kitchen counters are lined up with containers full of spices. But did you know that these masalas can go bad over time if not looked after properly? Yes, you heard us! The spice's shelf-life length is determined by its storage. Many factors can affect the shelf life of spices. Some of them include humidity, heat, air, and sunlight. These things can degrade the chemical compounds that give spices their flavours and aromas. As a result, flavours and aromas in some spices can become rancid, mouldy, or dirty. So, how to take care of your spices? Let us find out with these simple tips below!

(Also Read: Heart Health: 7 Spices You Must Add To Your Daily Meals To Give A Boost To Your Heart)

Here Are Some Tips To Take Care Of Your Masalas

1. Keep Them Away From Heat

Most of us keep our spices right above the gas as it is easy to access the dabbas from there. But the heat from cooking can harm your spices. So, it is best to store them away from heat.

2. Keep Them Airtight

Spices lose their flavour more quickly if exposed to air, so whether you use glass jars or metal tins, remember to keep them tightly closed. Airlock containers work the best for storing them tight.

3. Add In Salt

Salt is known to release molecules in the spices that have been locked for a longer time. So, whenever you are storing your spices, you can add salt in the middle of them to keep them fresh.


(Also Read: Do You Overdo Spices In Your Meal? Reddit User's Cooking Tip May Help)

4. Don't Let Moisture Enter The Containers

Moisture can also shorten the shelf life of spices. Never put spices in the freezer, and before dipping measuring spoons into a spice or herb container, make sure they're completely dry.


5. Store In A Dark Place

Sometimes heat from the sunlight can also affect the spices. So it is best to keep them locked in a dark place. That way, the spices won't come in direct contact with the sun.


Follow these tips and increase the shelf life of your masalas!

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