Looking For Dessert That's Healthy Too? Try This 4-Ingredient Banana Cake Today


Healthy Cake Recipe: This recipe uses oats instead of refined flour and absolutely no sugar.

Looking For Dessert That's Healthy Too? Try This 4-Ingredient Banana Cake Today
This banana cake is perfect for 'healthy' indulgence.


  • Looking for a guilt-free dessert?
  • This 4-ingredient banana cake is definitely worth a try.
  • It offers the perfect balance of health and taste.

Desserts have the power to lift our spirits even on a dull day. Whether it's a slice of luscious cheesecake, a crispy waffle topped with melted chocolate, or a fudgy brownie - all these sweet delights instantly tug at heartstrings. Regrettably, the same food leaves you worried when you are on a weight loss diet. In fact, the fear of excess calorie consumption stops us from reaching out to our favourite cakes and brownies. What if we say we have found a perfect solution for your problem? All you need to do is slight customisation in the recipe and then, you are good to go. Don't believe us? We say, try this four-ingredient banana cake recipe and decide for yourself.

Is Banana Cake Healthy?

Banana cake usually falls under the 'healthy cake' category. This is because bananas are high in potassium and other essential nutrients. It makes for a healthier alternative to many other varieties of cakes, especially the ones covered with icing or fondant. However, the health factor varies as per the ingredients added to the cake. For instance, adding sugar, choco chips or other calorific ingredients may lower the nutrient quotient of your banana cake.
Fret not, we have got the perfect banana cake recipe for you to enjoy without guilt. Here, we are using oats instead of refined flour and absolutely no sugar. This makes it super healthy and perfect for 'healthy' indulgence.
Also Read: These 5 Healthy Cake Recipes Are The Best Way To Enjoy A Guilt-Free Dessert

What Types Of Bananas Are Best For Making Banana Cake?

To get that perfect taste and texture of the cake, always use overripe bananas. A good indicator of this is bananas that have multiple brown spots on the peel. These bananas taste sweet, so you need not add any extra sugar to the recipe. Along with sweetness, overripe bananas help add moistness to the cake.

How To Make 4-Ingredient Banana Cake | Banana Cake Recipe

To make this cake, you need bananas, oats, eggs, baking powder, and that's it! You can literally make this cake with just four ingredients. To begin with, put bananas, eggs, oats, and baking powder in a blender. Blend until you get a smooth batter. You may also add a splash of vanilla essence or a few nuts for texture and flavour before you blend the batter. Now, preheat your oven to 180 degrees C. In the meantime, prepare your baking tin by lining it with butter paper. Pour the cake batter into it and bake it for 20 to 30 minutes. To check if it's done or not, simply insert a toothpick in the centre, and if it comes out clean, your cake is ready!
Also Read: Healthy Cake Recipe: Try This Whole Wheat Date Cake To Satisfy Your Sweet Cravings

Click here for the complete recipe for banana cake.


The recipe sounds easy, right? Then what are you waiting for? Try it out today and let us know how it  tastes in the comments below. Happy Baking!

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